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editing your previous post after another post?

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    editing your previous post after another post?

    I see this feature has been removed. I don't know if that is best - I mean that literally - I imagine it was. Though wonder why it was removed? If someone wants to delete one of these previous post though, is there an option for that which could be enabled? Currently there are two post I would like to be deleted because they are of little importance or irrelevant. Thanks.
    - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells

    We had to restrict that due to people abusing the functionality. You may edit or a delete a post for up to a day after you made it, and after that you cannot do so any longer. You can always PM me if you want something deleted after that. I have removed the two posts you refer to.


      Thanks Chris. Though, those were not the post I was referring to. Those were done because, well I got in a pretty dark humor mood and then it just kind of happened. I don't mind those being up - as long as people understand it was a joke - meaning that neither are actually me. I think they are quite humorous in a different sense though if that is not wanted up by the admins and members then that is fine by me.
      - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells

