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Overachiever Radiologist Plays The Waldstein

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    Overachiever Radiologist Plays The Waldstein

    I was bumping around the Web this morning, looking for Beethoven audio, & found an MP3 of the Waldstein recorded by Joseph A. Maldjian:

    Talk about an overachiever! (No offense to Dr. Maldjian--I'm only kidding.) Not only does he play a mean Waldstein (& the Moonlight too), but he's the director of the Advanced Neuroscience Imaging Research Lab at Wake Forest University (North Carolina) Medical School. He's a professor of neuroradiology & an associate in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Wake Forest. He has a publication list of research a mile long, & he's also the second chief of neuroradiology, & chairman of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Committee.

    He graduated from Princeton magna cum laude, got his medical degree at New Jersey Med School, did his residency at Mt. Sinai (the famous medical school, not the mountain), & is a Sanofi-Winthrop Fellow. He's an editor on the board of the American Journal of Neuroradiology, the American Journal of Roentgenology, the Journal of Neuroimaging, et al., & is on staff at several hospitals. He's fluent in numerous computer languages (& probably real languages, too--he's Armenian), & helps run the Dream Catcher Therapeutic Riding School for troubled kids.

    Where on earth did he get the time to learn how to play the piano as well as he does?! Kudos to him! You can find MP3s of his Waldstein, his Moonlight & some Chopin at the page above.

    Wow !!!

