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Young Mozart's future predicted in a poem?

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    Young Mozart's future predicted in a poem?

    ~~~~ Bastein und Bastienne

    Mozart K50 ~~~~

    Befraget mich ein Zartes Kind
    Um Sein zukunft'ges Glucke,
    Les ich das Schiksal ihm geschwind
    Aus dem verliebten Blicke.
    Ich sehe, bloS des liebsten Gunst
    Kann Zum Vergnugen taugen.
    Wie Leicht wird mir die Zauberkunst
    Bei Zwei verliebten Augen.

    My free translation is, as follows;

    A child of tender years asked me what his future would be.
    I quickly read in those dear eyes what his fate would be.
    I see that you are highly favoured with a pleasing nature.
    How easily those eyes could weave their magic art.

    To my mind as with all translations there are dark undercurrents.
    The line which contains pleasure, could be a pleasure directed to other's, ie, through his music, or a pleasure which is self directed, ie, a hedonist.
    Ironically both interpretations are correct, becuase of course he gave pleasure to millions and also he was really quite a dissolute character, sensual and hedonistic.
    There is also the whole idea of eyes in the poem as being the windows of the soul, and also being superficial things which enchant us and can often mislead us and one thinks of the biblical reference to eyes, being the gateways to sin.
    Obviously this is a poem with a deep resonance in the life of Mozart as we know it, and one wonders whether it is an actual meeting young Mozart has with a fortune teller, or his own imagination in conjuring up a vision of his own future through an interrogation of the voices or spirits within himself.

    I wonder what young Beethoven would have been told had he asked what his future was going to be!

    [This message has been edited by Frohlich (edited October 18, 2003).]