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Living With the Corona Virus

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    Living With the Corona Virus

    It all started on Sat. 28 March 2020. My husband had been acting a bit different for a couple of days already but on the 28th he decided that he was going to wear his t-shirt as a pair of pants. Now how he was able to get his legs through the shirt arms and then pull it on is beyond me, but this was a huge sign that something was very wrong with him. I finally got him to take the t-shirt off and get dressed correctly. I then called for an ambulance. They arrived, checked him out and then loaded him into the ambulance. They had me wait with them downstairs by the ambulance until they heard back from their central as to which hospital in Vienna to take my husband. That took about 20 minutes and off they went. This was the start of my home alone fun until they called me the next day to say that my hubby was no longer at the hospital they originally took him to but was transferred to another one. I was then told that he tested positive for the corona virus and was on a ventilator. Needless to say I was totally taken by surprise. I then contacted the hotline here and told them that my husband had tested positive for the virus and was in hospital. So I wanted to know when they could send someone to my flat and get me tested. So that on Wed. 1 April at 9:50am there was a knock at my door and their stood a guy totally covered from head to toe with scrubs, gloves and a face mask with a plastic shield. He had 2 long swabs, one for my nose and the other for my throat (that was fun...NOT!!). Then off he went.

    Now I at least felt better knowing that in the next few days I would know if I too had the corona virus or not. But for some reason later on that same day, just after midnight, I got another visit from a masked medic and he did another test on me. Totally unexpected especially at midnight. But later on the same day they called me to say that I tested positive for the virus and that I am under a city quarantine in my own flat until Easter. Thank god I have enough meds, food and water for myself and my cat Gizmo for the next couple of weeks. I'm also thankful that I have been fever free now for the last 10 days and the only problem I have had for the last week or so is diarrhea. But since I have started to eat a little bit like pasta, soup and bread in the last few days, this problem has improved.

    So I'm still alive and hanging in there. My husband is doing the same. They did have to put him on dialysis one day to help his kidneys out as well as then having to put him on heart meds. As of yesterday they have reduced the heart meds and he is stable. As long as he keeps stable and doesn't get worse, than I am happy. So I am taking one day at a time and praying that my hubby will recover and be able to come home. Thank god for my Gizmo. He is keeping me sane and entertained when he's not sleeping.

    So you all take good care of yourselves and I hope that this corona virus never strikes you or your loved ones. All the best.
    "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly." -Beethoven 1804.

    So sorry to hear the news of what you've been through but thankful that you are both doing ok. Thanks for sharing that with us and hopefully you will be fully recovered soon.
    'Man know thyself'


      Yes, I'm very sorry to hear you and your husband have come down with the virus, but also very thankful you are both doing OK. You will both be in my prayers for a speedy recovery!


        Thank you guys for your thoughts and prayers. I wish you all good health and all the best. Take care.
        "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly." -Beethoven 1804.


          Here's hoping all is well with you and your husband, Hollywood.
          My wife was tested severeal weeks ago due to a suspected pneumonia following her radiotherapy. Thank the deity of your choice, she tested negative for coronavirus.


            Thank you all for your thoughts and good wishes. Unfortunately on Sun. 19 April my husband passed away in hospital.

            I think I'm still in shock and here in Austria the paperwork you need to do just to get the death certificate takes a lot out of you. I feel like I'm back in the Air Force were filling out paperwork in triplicate was not fun. All I can do now is just take one day at a time.
            "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly." -Beethoven 1804.


              Hollywood, I am very saddened by your most distressing news. My heart felt condolences to you and family and this sad time.
              ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


                I am very sorry to hear that. I hope that you and your family can find some comfort.


                  I am very sorry, Hollywood. My deepest condolences.


                    Thank you all for your thoughtful condolences.
                    "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly." -Beethoven 1804.


                      I too am saddened by your loss. Sincere condolences.


                        Originally posted by Decrepit Poster View Post
                        I too am saddened by your loss. Sincere condolences.

                        Thank you, Decrepit Poster.
                        "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly." -Beethoven 1804.


                          I am very sorry for your loss, Hollywood. I have only just read the details as I seldom visit the General Discussion section of the forum.
                          I can't imagine how distressing it must be. My best wishes to you and your family.


                            Originally posted by Michael View Post
                            I am very sorry for your loss, Hollywood. I have only just read the details as I seldom visit the General Discussion section of the forum.
                            I can't imagine how distressing it must be. My best wishes to you and your family.

                            Thank you Michael.

                            It's not been easy for me having to take care of everything all alone. At least the city of Vienna took care of the burial since I couldn't afford to pay for it. We were both living off of my husband's pension since I have to wait for another 3 years before I can start to collect my social security from the USA and that'll be only about $800 a month. Just the mountain of paperwork I have to fill out and all of the documents I need to show (like death certificate, birth certificate, passports, etc.), it's never ending.

                            Here in Austria deaths and births are a very big deal and you have to have all of the correct documents, signed, sealed and delivered to the right people for it all to be legal. No sooner I think I can see a little light at the end of the tunnel, I get another form to fill out in the Post. I have been working pretty much everyday for the last month on one thing or another dealing with this. Next week I have another meeting at my bank to make sure that the account continues to pay all of the monthly bills (like the rent, water and power, etc.) automatically direct from the account as it has been for the past 20 years. I haven't had to deal with so much paperwork and documents since I was in the Air Force. The only good thing is that Mon. is yet another catholic holiday here in Austria so nothing will be open on Monday. This will be the first time since my husband's death that I'll have a bit of a breather but I'll need to keep myself occupied so I don't start crying again.

                            Thank you everyone for your thoughtful condolences.
                            "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly." -Beethoven 1804.


                              You're in my thoughts and prayers - I know from dealing with my parents' passing how much bureaucracy is involved. Take care.
                              'Man know thyself'

