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Musicians and Tinnitus

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    Musicians and Tinnitus

    I read elsewhere that Robert Schumann's final pieces were all centred around the pitch of his tinnitus.
    Poor chap, I never realized that Schumann suffered from tinnitus, what a shame , I wonder if this is what drove him over the edge.

    Is tinnitus common amongst pianists and can it be caused through hours of practise? Can it affect perfect pitch?
    ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’

    Interesting questions I can not answer. I've had tinnitus forever, since circa 1965, way back when my hearing was far far better than now. My sense of pitch, as a performing musician (but not a pianist, which I never was) was always somewhat suspect at best. I never thought to associate it with tinnitus but rather with ever increasing nerve damage. Either that or I was born somewhat tin-eared. (My mom certainly was. She couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.) Still, you're idea is intriguing. I see my Otolaryngologist tomorrow thanks to yet another round of ear/hearing issues. If I remember (unlikely, but hey . . .) I'll run it by her.

    (I most certainly never had 'perfect pitch' even when my hearing was relatively normal. I do, however, have a fading remembrance of a time when my 'relative pitch' was noticeably more developed than it is now.)

