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All that gliters is not gold.

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    All that gliters is not gold.

    Listen to this:


    Do you notice anything weird? Well, I did too, and as I have the a record recorded by Walter about the same time, I compared and there certainly was a difference. From the quoted page:
    1 year ago

    The OP must have duped this LP straight from the turntable without thinking that the LP was RIAA encoded, thus needs to redo the source through a RIAA preamp to get the freq curve back to flat response...why it sounds so tinny-too much treble and very little lows. M4S-615 Brahms/Walter
    This may be the explanation why so many times I notice a lack of lows in the youtube videos. Not only that. I used to download many lossless compression files and sometimes I noticed the music was out of tune, mean, for example, Mozart's 41th symphony was in C sharp! I could find an explanation for this. The material was taken from an LP and the turntable lagged or, on the contrary, it was too fast. The real drawback of Youtube is that most uploaders are not professionals and that the recording of classical music is a very delicate and complex job. Most of them put the sensibility control to high (the signal entering the computer has too high a level, which by the way is the usual in popular music circles) and, as a result, the signal is distorted. But it's true: despite technical inconveniences, lots of music are available to those who love it.