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Playing sharps and flats

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    Playing sharps and flats

    When playing F# , my little finger slips off, not always , but it is annoying when it does. I only have a tiddly little little finger. About 2 and a quarter inches.
    Any cures?
    ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’

    Do make sure that your hands have not had lotion put on recently. For me that guarantees slippage! I would suggest devising exercises of playing only on the black keys. (I am assuming you refer to the keyboard.) You can focus primarily on the last three fingers, repeating them.


      Thanks Sorrano, I make sure I don't lotion prior to playing. I have been practicing piece with sharps and flats.
      At present I am doing D minor scale, though it doesn't have F#, it has bflat and C#. I love doing this scale with both hands. There is that little stretch of the fingers from Bflat to C#.

      I'll be moving on to G minor which has an F# Bflat and Eflat. So that is good practice.

      The lively piece I have been playing which has F#'s is called Dutch Dance.

      ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


        A piano teacher taught me that I should play with my hands close to the keys; it's easier to miss those black keys when the fingers have to go farther to reach them. Fingering is so important, too. As a young musician I was arrogant and felt that in most cases I didn't need to worry about fingering, but today it's one of the most important things to me.

