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Pope Benedict's Diary.

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    Pope Benedict's Diary.

    How will the Pope Emeritus spend his retirement?

    Pope Emeritus' Diary (entirely fictitious of course)

    Got up very late this morning, haven't done that for years!
    afterwards prayers and Mass
    Breakfast: I spilt a speck of egg and got a smear of marmalade on my cassock and I didn't bother to change. No-one fussing me!
    No papers to read, books are being moved, so I thought I'd have a look a few blogs - might start one myself - anonymous of course - "Pastor Emeritus" has already been taken, maybe something satirical, or something with a heavy cat influence. I might write in High German, or perhaps something on Augustine in Arabic. I might get a cat, and it needn't be white, or even a dog -never to have to worry about muddy poor prints again!
    I have been thinking about a hobby, I need some fresh air and a little exercise, I could take up gardening.
    But then I might take up cooking, no Ambassadors, no Heads of State , no Cardinals, I'll knock up something nice for lunch, then a siesta, then "Count Down", I am told I have to watch it, all retired people do, followed by a little chat with brother Georg on the phone, he might tell me how to work the microwave, then Vespers, then maybe a little Mozart, Horlicks and bed!
    I better think about the weekend, what a relief, no sermon to prepare, no Angelus, no public Mass! Just think, I can look forward to Holy Week and Easter without all that hassle, without be exhausted for a week afterwards, no cameras, no journalists. If I got someone in I could just sit in choir!
    I have just been very wicked and experienced a not being Pope pleasure; I stood at an open window and there were no pilgrims waving or guards saluting!
    Tomorrow I might come down to breakfast in my dressing gown. I might even not shave, just for one day, just to see what is like. I could grow a beard, not that I want one but it is nice to know it is possible now, and maybe with a change of hairstyle...., err the world could be my oyster.
    What I am really looking forward to is being able to walk out of my bedroom into the garden - you just can't do that on the top floor of a palace! Another thing Georg says is that I might start getting in the new place are people ringing up to offer me energy saving offers! I will look forward to that!
    What I really want to do is to walk along a sandy beach alone with no security or anyone, and maybe even take my shoes and socks off. What a pleasure just be alone.
    What a pleasure to have nothing but space in my diary.

    I pray he has a joyful, healthy and restful retirement.
    ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’

    Sounds a bit too self-indulgent for an ex-Pope though I hope he didn't mean he'd be walking to Santiago de Compostela when he said he'd become a pilgrim!
    'Man know thyself'

