It's now or never.
I have decided to take up piano lessons and have purchased a Yamaha Keyboard in readiness for my first lesson this week [wed]. I love the sound of the Grand Piano and the organ (I'm keeping off the boogie woogie) and have been experimenting with a few tunes from my music books.
The great thing about the digital piano is that it doesn't need tuning.
I'll never be a concert pianist [missed the boat] but I aim to attain a competent amateur level.
Simple as it sounds , but I can play Ode to Joy in the C position.
I noticed that after I have been practicing, rhythms and melodies come into my head and wonder if this happens to other pianists/musicians.
I have decided to take up piano lessons and have purchased a Yamaha Keyboard in readiness for my first lesson this week [wed]. I love the sound of the Grand Piano and the organ (I'm keeping off the boogie woogie) and have been experimenting with a few tunes from my music books.
The great thing about the digital piano is that it doesn't need tuning.
I'll never be a concert pianist [missed the boat] but I aim to attain a competent amateur level.
Simple as it sounds , but I can play Ode to Joy in the C position.
I noticed that after I have been practicing, rhythms and melodies come into my head and wonder if this happens to other pianists/musicians.