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Occam's razor.

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    Occam's razor.

    Occam's razor is the law of parsimony, economy, or succinctness. It is a principle stating that among competing hypotheses, the one which makes the fewest assumptions should be selected. This is the way wikipedia begins that article. But was there not in the Antiquity a saying that went "simplicity is the seal of truth"? Reading the article, I see that those words, taken in themselves, are an oversimplification of the razor and perhaps they were a label for some part of a philosophical system by some Greek philosopher. Or perhaps the aphorism was coined in the Middle Age and even just after Occam's writings.

    But getting to the point, could somebody tell me what was the exact wording of the phrase "simplicity is the seal of truth" in latin? Seriously, I'm not kidding. Maybe it begins with simplicitas.

    Simplex sigillum veri.


      Thanks a lot. It would be great to know Latin, but that would not have increased my chance of guessing the answer very much.


        Is the razor extant?


          Originally posted by Enrique View Post
          Is the razor extant?
          I have several of them here at home, all of them disposable. The brand name is not Occam's, but Wilkinson's. Let's not split hairs, hey!!


            Originally posted by Quijote View Post
            Let's not split hairs, hey!!
            Hey, some of you must think I speak English! "Let's not split hairs" must obviously be an idiom, but please, what does it mean?


              @Quijote: I think it is "No le busquemos pelos al huevo" o "la quinta pata al gato". Is it?


                Originally posted by Enrique View Post
                @Quijote: I think it is "No le busquemos pelos al huevo" Is it?
                Eso si que es!


                  For the Anglos, eso si que es can be rendered as SOCKS!
                  Eso si que es = Es (S) o (O) si (C) que (K) es (S).


                    God only knows what I'm doing here at 02.15h in the morning typing on this forum. Enrique, what's your local time right now?


                      21.30. We should be 4 hs apart.


                        You can't be in the UK, Philip! Where are you, if you don't mind?


                          Originally posted by Quijote View Post
                          For the Anglos, eso si que es can be rendered as SOCKS!
                          Eso si que es = Es (S) o (O) si (C) que (K) es (S).
                          You are right! The American beisball team.


                            Originally posted by Enrique View Post
                            You can't be in the UK, Philip! Where are you, if you don't mind?
                            In France, which is 1 hour ahead of UK time. Time now 11.24h.


                              Originally posted by Enrique View Post
                              @Quijote: I think it is "No le busquemos pelos al huevo" o "la quinta pata al gato". Is it?
                              Enrique, I think it might be funny to give a literal translation of the Spanish expression "No le busquemos pelos al huevo" ( = 'let's not split hairs'). So, a literal translation gives : 'Let's not look for hairs in our egg'. Love it!

