Thanks Megan. Though, that looks kind of insane - more like lolq? I don't know.
Megan - now I am laughing - your .gif is called - I'm sorry, but it says it!!! - nigger.gif! LOL! Good gosh I am cracking up at that!
Also, as a side note - no - I am not prejudice (it just says that - if it i was whitecracker.gif i would laugh just as hard at that). I believe it depends on the individual goodness - no matter what color they are.
OMG, I didn't notice what the gif was called.
If I may add a my opinion bout the forum format and colour combinations Preston, I think it's fine as it is.
If I may add a my opinion bout the forum format and colour cominations Preston, I think it's fine as it is.
Well, if we are allowed to use other ones (which I am praying we will - seriously though, the same colors are driving my mind a little much when coming to the forum. why is it even a problem?) - then Megan, only use this one, is the best advice I can give.
- I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells
Anyway, yes fonts and artistic style and color, perhaps based around individual pieces of Beethoven's music. Though worked on as a community effort. That is my thoughts - and yes the Matrix font seems like a pretty bad idea now that I think more clearly on it, .
- I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells
just a couple of ideas: these are very basic colors and palettes that do not even blend - but is just some ideas. any color you all like is possible, well in a sense.
download the files to your desktop and double click them and they will open in your default web browser: