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    Originally posted by Megan View Post
    Is that so , Philip, well you can always listen to your Cephalo-pod

    Ha! Ha!


      Originally posted by PDG View Post
      I think food is over-rated, and, in fact, I never eat the stuff...

      Witheringly yours...

      I agree with you there PDG, food is rather overrated and over expensive!

      ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


        Originally posted by Sorrano View Post
        And 10 US cents is certainly not what it was in 1977 or thereabouts. You are right, you are definitely worth more than 10 cents today or then!
        Thanks for the kind words, Sorrano. You have always been one of my favourite people.

        BTW, I finally saw Saturday Night Fever around, ooh, I'd say, 1982 or something, and thought it was absolute rubbish!! And there was me, a mere 15-year-old in '77, not being allowed into the cinema (it carried an 'X' certificate - blimey, the music wasn't that bad )... There's even a funky, disco version of Mr B's 5th Symphony (1st Mov), by the Walter Murphy Band. And it's not to be sniffed at. It was a Hot One Hundred #1 hit in 1976, and the 4/4 beat helps us to understand Mr B's intended rhythm.


          Originally posted by Megan View Post
          I agree with you there PDG, food is rather overrated and over expensive!

          Exactly, Megan. It's because it's so expensive that I don't eat it.


            Originally posted by Megan View Post
            I agree with you there PDG, food is rather overrated and over expensive!
            Nah, what? I've never met a musician who doesn't relish his/her victuals, that's for damn sure! And as you all know, the food metaphor (or similie?) is awash in musical discourse.
            Food overrated? Go eat grass, I say!


              Originally posted by Philip View Post
              Nah, what? I've never met a musician who doesn't relish his/her victuals, that's for damn sure! And as you all know, the food metaphor (or similie?) is awash in musical discourse.
              Food overrated? Go eat grass, I say!
              I think you need a cup of 60 bean coffee!
              'Man know thyself'


                Originally posted by Peter View Post
                I think you need a cup of 60 bean coffee!
                Have to disagree with Beethoven and you Headmaster, I'm afraid. Coffee? Yeah, OK, sometimes, but it's gotta be Italian and in particular : café doppio.
                Tea, on the other hand, is an absolute must for me in the morning; I simply cannot get going without a cup of strong Ceylon or Assam. I currently have a packet of prized PG Tips which I haven't opened yet!
                Last edited by Quijote; 09-06-2011, 02:37 PM. Reason: Replacing an erroneous comma with a semi-colon, what else?


                  I think I have mentioned before about eating ants in South America [You have. Don't be boring. Ed.] and other odd animals in China [You've done this before. You're fired. Ed.] Well, try this article for your gastronomic pleasure :


                    Originally posted by Philip View Post
                    I think I have mentioned before about eating ants in South America [You have. Don't be boring. Ed.] and other odd animals in China [You've done this before. You're fired. Ed.] Well, try this article for your gastronomic pleasure :
                    The ants I had in South America were there by accident. That happens all too frequently, but it left me with the curiosity as to how they taste dipped in chocolate (I believe a specialty of Bucaramanga, Colombia, but I only passed through there and didn't get the opportunity to try them).


                      I have to say that even I balk at the thought of deep-fried tarantula, chocolate scorpions and so on. Still, as the article points out, with the world's population exploding, we're going to have to consider alternative sources of protein.


                        Originally posted by Philip View Post
                        I have to say that even I balk at the thought of deep-fried tarantula, chocolate scorpions and so on. Still, as the article points out, with the world's population exploding, we're going to have to consider alternative sources of protein.
                        Thailand has it's giant fried spiders; I will stay far away from them. The bean family is protein based, however your reference to population explosion must have brought that to mind.


                          Putting aside the spiders and other beasties for now, I'm happy autumn is here as that means the game season is soon upon us : venison, boar (wild pig, or sanglier, in French), hare ... Yummy!
                          If you like steak (beef), do try a good piece of venison steak (tender loin?) : low fat and free-range, can't beat it!


                            I have never hunted, but I would like to try. Not because I like the idea of shooting a wild animal for fun, rather the idea of hunting it down, shooting it and then eating it. I would have to leave the mechanics of butchering to others, though.


                              Originally posted by Philip View Post
                              I have never hunted, but I would like to try. Not because I like the idea of shooting a wild animal for fun, rather the idea of hunting it down, shooting it and then eating it. I would have to leave the mechanics of butchering to others, though.
                              Hunting is pretty big in these parts (Utah) and on occasion I benefit from the kindness of some of the hunters and have had a share of venison, elk, bear, moose, etc. A lot of people have issues with the gamey flavor of the meat, but if you can get past that it's great meat. Personally, I've not hunted nor really care to, but I do enjoy the culinary benefits.


                                My grandfather was a big deer hunter, and he always made venison for us when we visited. It was fantastic!

