My consumption of meat is very limited to white meat, chicken, turkey and fish, free range where I can buy it.
I don't touch red meat.
On tv many years ago, and it was only shown once and never repeated was a programme on the Chicago meat market, which dealt with the slaughtering and preperation of animals from all over the mid west of America. I can honestly say it was one of the most repulsive and terrifying films that was ever shown. Tens of thousands of carcasses dripping blood and to think people were going to eat that. Yuk! I can certainly see the arguement for the over dependence on eating meat. When you see these fast food burger joints, it turns the stomach to think what people are eating , let alone the smell.
I wouldn't say it is as sin to eat meat, but keep them say in a yard and farm them in a non industrial way. You can hardly say to the starving people in the third world countries that it is a sin to eat meat, There is nothing wrong with having a smallholding and keep a few domestic animals, goats, chickens and treating them humanely.
My favourite read on self preservation is Robinson Crusoe, and I like the whole idea of how man on his own building up his resources, though I don't think it is the pattern for society generally because his is so much a loner, but it is a hugely satisfying novel to read.
It is interesting that the model for the novel , was Alexander Selkirk , whose statue you can see if you visit the Fife coast in Scotland to a place called Largo Bay, and he was rescued from the Island Juan Fernandez and made a lot of money retelling the story of his exploits, but became so homsick for his island that he decided to go back, but died on the return journey.
I don't touch red meat.
On tv many years ago, and it was only shown once and never repeated was a programme on the Chicago meat market, which dealt with the slaughtering and preperation of animals from all over the mid west of America. I can honestly say it was one of the most repulsive and terrifying films that was ever shown. Tens of thousands of carcasses dripping blood and to think people were going to eat that. Yuk! I can certainly see the arguement for the over dependence on eating meat. When you see these fast food burger joints, it turns the stomach to think what people are eating , let alone the smell.
I wouldn't say it is as sin to eat meat, but keep them say in a yard and farm them in a non industrial way. You can hardly say to the starving people in the third world countries that it is a sin to eat meat, There is nothing wrong with having a smallholding and keep a few domestic animals, goats, chickens and treating them humanely.
My favourite read on self preservation is Robinson Crusoe, and I like the whole idea of how man on his own building up his resources, though I don't think it is the pattern for society generally because his is so much a loner, but it is a hugely satisfying novel to read.
It is interesting that the model for the novel , was Alexander Selkirk , whose statue you can see if you visit the Fife coast in Scotland to a place called Largo Bay, and he was rescued from the Island Juan Fernandez and made a lot of money retelling the story of his exploits, but became so homsick for his island that he decided to go back, but died on the return journey.