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The Foyer, meet and greet.

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    The Foyer, meet and greet.

    Yay, Philidor!

    Hello and welcome to our new member Philidor, great to have you with us and shall look forward to seeing you on the forum!
    Last edited by Megan; 05-28-2011, 02:37 PM.
    ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


    Fraternal/sororal greetings from! Thanks for the invite. This place looks great.... and the colour scheme is restful on the eyes.

    Phil Xxxxx


      Originally posted by Philidor View Post

      Fraternal/sororal greetings from! Thanks for the invite. This place looks great.... and the colour scheme is restful on the eyes.

      Phil Xxxxx

      Wonderful to share your enthusiasm!

      Just to mention that the main Beethoven reference site page is through this link so that you can explore the menu. I probably gave you the link direct to the discussion forums.

      ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


        Welcome. You can thank Peter for the color scheme. If it were up to me everything would be purple and green and constantly flashing.



          Some forums do look like a tart's boudoir... or have a black background with white text like a 1970s punk band...

          I've a confession. My knowledge of Beethoven could be written on a cigarette paper. I know a bit about the metronome controversy, have glanced through his conversation books, know he first loved then hated Napoleon, and have been mystified by, but strangely attracted to, his late quartets... but that's it.


            Originally posted by Philidor View Post

            Some forums do look like a tart's boudoir... or have a black background with white text like a 1970s punk band...

            I've a confession. My knowledge of Beethoven could be written on a cigarette paper. I know a bit about the metronome controversy, have glanced through his conversation books, know he first loved then hated Napoleon, and have been mystified by, but strangely attracted to, his late quartets... but that's it.

            Beethoven's late quartets are phenomenal and sublime and a good place to start.
            Last edited by Megan; 05-28-2011, 06:19 PM.
            ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


              Originally posted by Megan View Post
              Beethoven's late quartets are phenominal and sublime and a good place to start.
              Who plays them best? I've spent years in the "authentic music" ghetto playing baroque flute, so find excessive vibrato a problem. Is there anyone producing historically informed performances of the late quartets? I heard the Amadeus Quartet play them years ago and their vibrato was so wide you could drive a truck through it. They wobbled about so much, in different directions, they ended up playing something but it wasn't what Beethoven wrote in his score. Yet they had the reputation for being Beethoven experts.... odd.


                Originally posted by Philidor View Post
                Who plays them best? I've spent years in the "authentic music" ghetto playing baroque flute, so find excessive vibrato a problem. Is there anyone producing historically informed performances of the late quartets? I heard the Amadeus Quartet play them years ago and their vibrato was so wide you could drive a truck through it. They wobbled about so much, in different directions, they ended up playing something but it wasn't what Beethoven wrote in his score. Yet they had the reputation for being Beethoven experts.... odd.

                Great topic to start a new discussion, best to copy and paste it in the Classical music discussion area.
                We are in the General Discussion area here. Just click on the blue button on the top left, Start a new thread


                ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’




                    Yes welcome Philidor - great to have you with us.
                    'Man know thyself'


                      Hi everyone, I'm haydnguy. I didn't name myself that because I know a lot about him or he's necessarily my favorite (although one of them), but because he was the first composer that kind of "hooked me in classical music".

                      I'm not a musician and have only been listening about 5 years. I'm pretty eclectic in my taste. The only genre that I don't listen to is experimental. I'm cool with modern.

                      Looking forward to the discussions!


                        Howdy there Philidor! Greetings from Heiligenstadt!

                        "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly." -Beethoven 1804.


                          Originally posted by haydnguy View Post
                          Hi everyone, I'm haydnguy. I didn't name myself that because I know a lot about him or he's necessarily my favorite (although one of them), but because he was the first composer that kind of "hooked me in classical music".

                          I'm not a musician and have only been listening about 5 years. I'm pretty eclectic in my taste. The only genre that I don't listen to is experimental. I'm cool with modern.

                          Looking forward to the discussions!

                          Welcome aboard Haydnguy, Good to see you here.You will find a wealth of top quality contributors and friendly discussion.

                          ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


                            Originally posted by Hollywood View Post
                            Howdy there Philidor! Greetings from Heiligenstadt!

                            Well now, that's one heck of a testament....
                            Josh Newton
                            MMus/Composition - Univ. of Southern Maine


                              Welcome Marquis66

                              ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’

