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Termites eat piles of cash

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    Termites eat piles of cash

    India bank termites eat piles of cash

    The termites are believed to have developed an expensive taste for money Continue reading the main story

    Staff at an Indian bank have been blamed for allowing termites to eat their way through banknotes worth millions of rupees.

    Staff at the bank, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, are reported to have been found guilty of "laxity".

    The insects are believed to have chewed their way through notes worth some 10 million rupees ($225,000/£137,000).

    A similar incident happened in 2008, when termites in Bihar state ate a trader's savings stored in his bank.
    Last edited by Megan; 04-27-2011, 08:40 AM.
    ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’

    It must have been good curr(y)ency!


      Originally posted by Sorrano View Post
      It must have been good curr(y)ency!
      Yes,very good, I like that!

      ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


        Damn! I've must have termites in my wallet!


          Did you hear the one about The barman throwing the termite out, saying 'We don't serve druggies like you here.'

          The termite says 'What do you mean, I'm not a druggie'

          Says the barman, 'What about the barbituate?'
          'Truth and beauty joined'


            Originally posted by Joy View Post
            Did you hear the one about The barman throwing the termite out, saying 'We don't serve druggies like you here.'

            The termite says 'What do you mean, I'm not a druggie'

            Says the barman, 'What about the barbituate?'
            I'm slow today! That took me a minute.


              Originally posted by Sorrano View Post
              I'm slow today! That took me a minute.
              Yes, it's a bit like , I don't like your 'attitude.
              Who'se chewed yer hat then?
              ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


                The Termite, by Ogden Nash

                Some primal termite knocked on wood
                And tasted it, and found it good.
                And that is why your Cousin May
                Fell through the parlor floor today.


                  Slightly off topic, but that reminded me of another poem by Ogden Nash:

                  The Fly

                  God, in His Wisdom, made the fly.
                  Then forgot to tell us why.


                    Originally posted by Sorrano View Post
                    I'm slow today! That took me a minute.
                    You're forgiven!
                    'Truth and beauty joined'


                      Off track again, but:

                      Why can't you get painkillers in the jungle?

                      Because the parrots eat 'em all.

                      (Read it aloud.)


                        Originally posted by Sorrano View Post
                        Slightly off topic, but that reminded me of another poem by Ogden Nash:

                        The Fly

                        God, in His Wisdom, made the fly.
                        Then forgot to tell us why.
                        (I missed this the last time I looked.)

