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The Royal Wedding

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    The Royal Wedding

    Preview of the Royal Wedding with a difference.

    May the Royal Couple, Prince William and Kate have a long and happy life together.
    ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’

    Well, very convincing "stand-ins" in this sketch, I must say!
    Whilst I hope the Royal Couple live long, prosperous lives, as a Republican my sentiment is:
    Last edited by Peter; 04-22-2011, 05:10 PM. Reason: Some people will obviously take offence at that.


      Oh, really! You (Peter) have edited my post. Do you really think I'm calling for the guillotine for the Royals? My (supressed) comment was humour, and if you didn't see that then it is a sorry day. Should I have used an icon?


        Very well, as a Republican my sentiment is : that the sooner the Monarchy is "abolished" the better (via an anachronistic slicing device or popular vote, whichever is the more expedient). Add bloody icon.


          I added (obliquely) the icon above so that people understand I am being humerous. Does anyone here (or elsewhere) think that I am actually proposing a violent end to the monarchy in preference to a democratically decided abolition? Do tell. Really, do tell, or send me a PM if you were offended.
          Last edited by Quijote; 04-22-2011, 11:44 PM. Reason: Chopping the spelling and word order


            This is supposed to be about a wedding, not a debate on the monarchy, and quite frankly it's hardly the occasion for such a debate - I wish Wills and Kate well.
            'Man know thyself'

