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New British PM

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    New British PM

    Congratulations to all you Brits now that you have a new PM. Sounds like it will be an interesting coalition! Let's hope they can help fix the problems - and that Europe can too - otherwise I fear we are on the path to a worldwide Depression which will make the GFC look like a practice session!! Fingers crossed.

    Thank you for your good wishes and I hope they can sort things out, but it's going to be tough.
    'Man know thyself'


      Originally posted by Tillyvalle
      All I can say is God help us! Tories in bed with Liberal Democrats?? We Scots are NOT optimistic!
      Please this is not a political forum so let's just accept the good wishes as Bonn1827 intended.
      'Man know thyself'


        My misfortune is doubly painful, I was bound to be misunderstood. LvB


          Originally posted by Peter View Post
          Please this is not a political forum so let's just accept the good wishes as Bonn1827 intended.
          Not sure about this, Peter. In the General Discussion forum, you encourage people to "post messages about anything else" (other than classical music), and to "talk about other subjects".
          The message to which you objected was not inflammatory or even offensive. We are all adults here. Which other topics or opinions are taboo?


            Thank you. I was not intending to be offensive, merely stating my opinion as someone living in a part of the UK that has one Tory MP and is feeling somewhat under-represented.
            My misfortune is doubly painful, I was bound to be misunderstood. LvB


              Originally posted by PDG View Post
              Not sure about this, Peter. In the General Discussion forum, you encourage people to "post messages about anything else" (other than classical music), and to "talk about other subjects".
              The message to which you objected was not inflammatory or even offensive. We are all adults here. Which other topics or opinions are taboo?
              True. Though, there are many General Discussion forums with restrictions- which usually turn out for the best.

              I do not see a debate about politics or other things that cause people to get all wound up- to be a healthy discussion for this forum. Do you?

              It would end up with people taking sides and people upset with others beliefs.

              If you could talk about anything in a General Discussion forum (which is rare in most decent General Discussion forums) then it would end in chaos and anger. Why even risk the chance of the forum members getting pissed off at one another?
              - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


                All I can say is God help us! Tories in bed with Liberal Democrats?? We Scots are NOT optimistic!
                The message to which you objected was not inflammatory or even offensive.
                That message could easily be offensive:

                Stating things such as, "God help us!": "in bed with Liberal Democrats??" (notice the two question marks): and, the capitalized, "NOT".

                That is the start of a forum flame war.

                Of course, I mean no offense PDG or Tillyvalle, ! Just thought I would add my 2 cents.
                - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


                  Mea Culpa. I shall refrain from making any political comments, I really don't want to offend anyone.
                  My misfortune is doubly painful, I was bound to be misunderstood. LvB


                    Originally posted by Preston View Post
                    True. Though, there are many General Discussion forums with restrictions- which usually turn out for the best.

                    I do not see a debate about politics or other things that cause people to get all wound up- to be a healthy discussion for this forum. Do you?

                    It would end up with people taking sides and people upset with others beliefs.

                    If you could talk about anything in a General Discussion forum (which is rare in most decent General Discussion forums) then it would end in chaos and anger. Why even risk the chance of the forum members getting pissed off at one another?
                    Preston, I couldn't disagree more with what you've said.

                    Who's to say a debate about politics would cause people to get 'all wound up'? This never got that far because Peter seems to have frowned at the first mention of it. And there is nothing wrong with 'healthy discussion'. Only once a discussion becomes 'heated', should a moderator step in, in my view.

                    As for 'people would take sides', well, as I've said, we're all adults, not children in a school playground. I don't think less of someone if I happen to disagree with their opinion.

                    Re your last paragraph, I have now asked Peter which topics and which opinions are off-limits. It is nonsense to say such pertinent and contemporary topics would 'end in chaos and anger'. For goodness' sake...

                    The original post was mild, ironic and funny. I was far more offended by your 'pissed off' comment. Very crude.


                      Well, I wasn't pissed off. Quite the contrary. If people could engage in a debate about politics in a civil manner, then that would be good. Though, to my mind, people would take sides in a less than savory manner- it is in human nature. This is what happens with so many when talking of politics. I am not saying it would for sure, but that it could.

                      If it was handled in a civil manner, then I would not mind participating. Though, I would probably be the one to make it uncivil! So, I would probably stay out of it.

                      The original post (no offense Tillyvalle), is very derogatory towards liberals and was not handled in a civil manner, IMO.

                      Either way, it is not in my hands. I was just giving my two cents as you have given yours.

                      I said if "anything" was allowed to be talked about. I believe there need to be rules and restrictions on forums as in life.
                      Last edited by Preston; 05-20-2010, 08:16 PM.
                      - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


                        Originally posted by Preston View Post
                        The original post (no offense Tillyvalle), is very derogatory towards liberals and was not handled in a civil manner, IMO.

                        Either way, it is not in my hands. I was just giving my two cents as you have given yours.

                        I said if "anything" was allowed to be talked about. I believe there need to be rules and restrictions on forums as in life.
                        The comments were not derogatory towards liberals - Tillyvalle wasn't even talking about 'liberals', as you understand the word to mean.

                        I was not 'giving my two cents' worth', but rather, challenging Peter's position in the matter. And I feel you should have done him the courtesy of allowing him first reply.

                        You say 'there need(s) to be rules and restrictions on forums'. Fine; perhaps you could point me to where these rules are stated?

                        I shall not post again on the subject until Peter clarifies things.


                          Originally posted by PDG View Post
                          The comments were not derogatory towards liberals - Tillyvalle wasn't even talking about 'liberals', as you understand the word to mean.

                          I was not 'giving my two cents' worth', but rather, challenging Peter's position in the matter. And I feel you should have done him the courtesy of allowing him first reply.

                          You say 'there need(s) to be rules and restrictions on forums'. Fine; perhaps you could point me to where these rules are stated?

                          I shall not post again on the subject until Peter clarifies things.
                          I am not trying to sound rude, though I do not think you know my understanding of the word- liberal.

                          Perhaps, you are right that I should have let Peter reply first, though, I do not think it really matters that much?

                          The rules are stated by the admins of the forum. There is no definitive set of rules to all forums that I am aware of.
                          - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


                            I offer my mere 3.5 cents' worth (see, I'm no cheapskate) : I didn't find Tillyvalle's posting offensive in the least. That said, political debate is hard to "moderate". Why not let it run, and if it turns ugly then Peter / Chris can step in?
                            As a Brit I'm "out of the loop" politically as I live in France. Sorry if I seem partisan, but I'd personally prefer a debate about politics and music : for an example, we could turn to John Adam's recent opera (Klinghoffer), and issues of artistic responsibility.


                              Originally posted by PDG View Post
                              Not sure about this, Peter. In the General Discussion forum, you encourage people to "post messages about anything else" (other than classical music), and to "talk about other subjects".
                              The message to which you objected was not inflammatory or even offensive. We are all adults here. Which other topics or opinions are taboo?
                              I'm sure about it - there's already disharmony and it hasn't even started yet! Honestly there is no point in having a political discussion on this forum unless it relates to music - there are other places to air your views on such matters. We all have our own strongly held views as Tillyvale has already demonstrated and I don't want the forum degenerating into a slanging match - I'm surprised you don't recognise the potential for that PDG and would have hoped you would at least have respected my already stated view on the matter without stoking things up. I'm closing the thread because there is no more to say on this issue - I thank Bonn1827 for her good wishes and leave it at that.
                              'Man know thyself'

