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gaming thread...

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    gaming thread...

    I thought that I would bring this video to the forum members attention, to let them see the hidden world of positive gaming, . Gaming has really changed since the early days of Mario, now they are creating very detailed environments, stories, music, etc.

    This video is older and graphics have improved since this video. The video is a cinematic to the video game. Yes, most video games that come out are crap, I think, although some are special.

    They put a lot of artistic creativity into creating the world Vanadiel- the world this game takes place in. Much like Tolkien's world in LOTR. For instance, the new game that this company is doing, they have worked on for 4-5 years, with a team of hundreds of artist. They take it very seriously.

    The reason I wanted to bring this video to your attention is because I find the music to be pretty good. It does not compare to Beethoven, ofcourse, by any means! The music was done by a renowned Japanese composer in the gaming world. NPR has done a report on him. If you want to listen to it, I would recommend listening to the whole thing, because the music constantly changes- it opens with a beautiful fantasy sounding harp, later a choir comes in, etc.

    the cinematic with just the music-

    the cinematic with narration, music, and better quality video (so that you can see the lighting better)-

    I find it fascinating that the artists were able to achieve the textures, lighting, shading, etc.
    Last edited by Preston; 04-01-2009, 11:09 PM.
    - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells