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any Star Wars fans out there? [poll]

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    Star Wars!

    Compared to the Tolkein's filmed Ring series, better story, far better FX, and better music!

    Compared to Wagne'rs ring, better story, far far better FX, and better music!

    I saw one of the prequels - the one that came out in May 2002 - in a movie theatre in Penzance. In front of us, 4 young boys were watching. When Yoda had his sword fight with the evil one - when he did a sort of break dance on screen - these boys stood up and shouted encouragement to Yoda! It was absolutely charming, and my wife and I remember it fondly to this day.


      Speaking of Stars Wars...

      (Wait for it.)


        Did you read any of the comments below? My favorite was: "I find your lack of e-flat major chord disturbing"


          Originally posted by Bonn1770 View Post
          Speaking of Stars Wars...

          (Wait for it.)
          No, you don't understand, this is a revision made by Bruckner to his 11th symphony.


            Originally posted by jamesofedinburgh View Post
            Compared to the Tolkein's filmed Ring series, better story, far better FX, and better music!
            James, I can't agree with that, . Especially about the music - I quite like the music from those movies - more calming, more feeling, more... sane. Howard Shore did an unbelievable job with the music in those films. I have seen the LOTR Symphony twice and am hoping to see the Live To Projection, if it means going half-way across country.

            The one thing I would say regarding the story is that, personally, I like Lucas' philosophical ideas better.
            - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


              Lucas has philosophical ideas?


                I believe so - I mean that is one of the entire points of Star Wars - The Force - a mystical energy field which binds all life together, controls our destiny, etc. The Jedi are the spiritual leaders, so to say, very similar to monks, etc. A lot is in the movies if you see it.

                Do I believe in The Force - no. Because, there is no such thing as of now. There may be somewhere out there, imo, though we do not know - so no.

                A lot of Eastern, particularly Buddhist, philosophy and beliefs are tied into SW - even down to the names - Padme relates to padma = lotus flower - very significant in Buddhism. Belief in divine powers, morality, his beliefs towards the future, etc. George said that one of the main reasons he created SW was because he was convinced in good and evil. I recommend reading and watching these - carefully.


                It is complex, in a sense, though it is in there.
                - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


                  Originally posted by Chris View Post
                  Lucas has philosophical ideas?
                  There is also the philosophy of getting rich.


                    Yes, sadly greed seems to have gotten the best of him.
                    - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells


                      Originally posted by Sorrano View Post
                      There is also the philosophy of getting rich.

                      That's the motivation for the society we live in.

                      I suppose most people find it very difficult to think of the long term consequences so they find it far more easy to make the short term fix, which is trying to get as rich as they can as quickly as possible. Wealth itself is neutral, it depends what it is used for. Another great lesson from Wagner's Ring, is that wealth has nothing in it to stop it being taken away by somebody else. The Ring is stolen and changes hands several times. The lesson being I suppose is that great wealth brings in its train great insecurities, in that the person has to become evermore guarded from people that would want to steal it.
                      Last edited by Megan; 04-10-2011, 11:27 AM.
                      ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


                        Originally posted by Megan View Post
                        That's the motivation for the society we live in.
                        That is true and it is most sad. I think having society based around money is an extremely disturbing problem. And, it has led to unimaginable consequences - such as poverty - heck - such as everything unnatural this world has become. Cut down all the trees for cheap housing, build giant cities, suck the earth dry of natural resources, etc. All while the rich sit in comfort and the poor live in some extremely devastating environments. Just some thoughts.

                        To make it quite comfortably you almost have to be a millionaire. I am not talking about a "simple and comfortable lifestyle". I am saying that would it not be nice if we all could have moderate houses with nice tile, floors, good carpet, etc. - with nice and well designed swimming pools, a good piece of land to build on, etc.

                        What really gets me is that a lot of people are out there working minimum wage jobs - 2 of them - and then a celebrity, athlete, ceo, etc. works for one day and makes enough to last a person a lifetime living quite comfortably! I blame full-fledged anything goes capitalism, not freedom, capitalism.
                        - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells

