British judges and consumption of claret
I mean, this has just got to be on the Comedy Corner thread!
So, according to this article (see link after), many UK judges at the Old Bailey enjoy a 'few glasses' of claret before they return to their afternoon court sessions. I always knew it!! Let's all raise a glass to Judge Cocklecarrot and his ilk. Ban drink driving, but allow the judges to imbibe. Priceless!
By the way, the word 'claret' (meaning for Anglos red Bordeaux wine) derives from the French 'clairet', which is in fact a sort of heavy rosé wine. Anyway, here's the link:
I mean, this has just got to be on the Comedy Corner thread!
So, according to this article (see link after), many UK judges at the Old Bailey enjoy a 'few glasses' of claret before they return to their afternoon court sessions. I always knew it!! Let's all raise a glass to Judge Cocklecarrot and his ilk. Ban drink driving, but allow the judges to imbibe. Priceless!
By the way, the word 'claret' (meaning for Anglos red Bordeaux wine) derives from the French 'clairet', which is in fact a sort of heavy rosé wine. Anyway, here's the link: