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Beethoven and Shiller commentary

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    Beethoven and Shiller commentary

    Hi all. I know very little about music but i know what I like to listen to. Today I watched a program on the 9th symphony an d all the various groups who have espoused its glory and laid claim to it as "their" anthem. During the show (which I enjoyed mostly as audio only) I spotted some written commentary attributed to Shiller about ( I believe) LVB's meanings of equality and freedom and broherhood of man. I was hoping to find out if these quotes are available anywhere. It's facinating how this contrasts with the philosophies of certain groups who held this music up so proudly as their own. Any help is most appreciated. Thanx

    Hi Smitty, I moved this topic to our General Discussion forum where I think you'll get more response.

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'

