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    My friends are trying to start a online political discussion board and are having some trouble attracting posters and establishing a readership. Out of curiosity, how long did it take for this site to find a relatively loyal readership and posting community? And if I may ask, were there any methods that were especially effective in accomplishing this?

    Well we started out 4 years ago when another forum Chris, Rod and I belonged to was not being properly run. We were helped enormously by this site having such a prominent position in the rankings on Google and Yahoo. This forum is also properly maintained so problems are resolved ASAP, anyone simply mucking about is banned (fortunately only 2 or 3 cases so far). The key I think is in respecting all the members regardless of the different views expressed, something that maybe rather difficult on a political forum, but good luck anyway!

    All our early posts are still there (just select view all posts) so you can see just how things developed.

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'


      Fortunately, Peter has done a wonderful job on the website, and that's really why the forum has attracted so many users. Getting good placement on Yahoo and Google, trading links with other sites, and all of that get people here. But they stay because of the excellent content. People come back for that, especially when content is updated often. We've got a real winner with the Rare/Authentic page (of course, credit to Rod there). Cream rises to the top!

      But wow, four years already. I remember first cooresponding with Peter when he posted a link to his website, and that edepot place insisted on opening it in a frame, so I e-mailed him some "frame buster" code to prevent that. Ever since then, I've been his trusted technical advisor

