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I cannot access this site

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    I cannot access this site

    Hi, Peter, Chris! I haven't been able to access this site through my main browser, Mozilla, since the change of the website. I finally tried this in MS Explorer and it is working for me now, but not with Mozilla. I get a message from mozilla that "The file / cannot be found. Please check the location and try again." I tried typing the link in manually as well as clicking on the bookmarked link. Any ideas on that one?


    That's strange. If there was a problem the new design had with Mozilla, it shouldn't just say the file cannot be found. Is the computer you tried Internet Explorer on the same as the one you tried Mozilla on?


      Originally posted by Chris:
      That's strange. If there was a problem the new design had with Mozilla, it shouldn't just say the file cannot be found. Is the computer you tried Internet Explorer on the same as the one you tried Mozilla on?
      Yes, it is. However, I think I know the reason, now. The link that works is "" while the link I originally had was "". I will have to relink my html page (a former bookmark page with a previous browser). Anyway, looks like I can get back online with this site. Thanks!


        Originally posted by Sorrano:
        Yes, it is. However, I think I know the reason, now. The link that works is "" while the link I originally had was "". I will have to relink my html page (a former bookmark page with a previous browser). Anyway, looks like I can get back online with this site. Thanks!

        The web address hasn't changed! The first url you have takes you to the home page, click on ENTER and it takes you to your 2nd url the menu page.

        'Man know thyself'
        'Man know thyself'


          Originally posted by Peter:

          The web address hasn't changed! The first url you have takes you to the home page, click on ENTER and it takes you to your 2nd url the menu page.

          You are right, Peter! However, I still cannot access the home page via Mozilla, so I will either use the menu page as my link or simply access this through Explorer. Thanks!

