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Where is Rodney?

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    Where is Rodney?

    When are you going to publish the next rare mp3, Mr. Corkin? Have you dissapeared?

    Don't worry, I'm sure Rod will get around to it. Buy a new Beethoven CD to hold you over!


      I have no credit card to purchase a CD on the store (I would be pleased to). Is there another pay form?


        Well, I was thinking more along the lines of going to the store. But whatever


          Originally posted by Chris:
          Well, I was thinking more along the lines of going to the store. But whatever
          That was cute. Hi Im new here. I just signed today and I was wondering what Cd is the best
          option for getting everything that I want from it.



            Originally posted by Kitsune:
            That was cute. Hi Im new here. I just signed today and I was wondering what Cd is the best
            option for getting everything that I want from it.
            Well what are you looking for?

            'Man know thyself'
            'Man know thyself'


              If you're interested in choral Beethoven, I would highly recommend a charitable recording of Missa Solemnis by Consort Caritatis, a Canadian Choir raising money for landmine relief. The price is reasonable, and the cause is worthy, but more importantly, the recording is excellent! Order it here


                Originally posted by chopithoven:
                When are you going to publish the next rare mp3, Mr. Corkin? Have you dissapeared?
                Just noticed this chain in my name. I look forward to you posting some assessment concerning one of these pieces I graciously provide in the near future Mr Chop, even just a straight opinion good or bad would be enough.

                Feedback/discussion concerning these pieces has been getting less and less, I'm beginning to loose my motivation for this activity. No talk = no music.

                "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                  I accept that my attitude was really detestable since I frequent this forum.
                  Therefore, I will try to understand what I hear and say at least good/bad (although my opinions are not so poor usually). Anyway, I promise a higher presence in this forum of sage men and women who admire the Greatest Artist of Mankind and pronounce His name with awe.


                    Originally posted by chopithoven:
                    I accept that my attitude was really detestable since I frequent this forum.
                    Therefore, I will try to understand what I hear and say at least good/bad (although my opinions are not so poor usually). Anyway, I promise a higher presence in this forum of sage men and women who admire the Greatest Artist of Mankind and pronounce His name with awe.
                    That's you're talking...

                    "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                      Originally posted by Rod:
                      That's you're talking...

                      Hey, I've talked before in this forum.


                        Originally posted by chopithoven:
                        Hey, I've talked before in this forum.
                        It is an expression in English, not meant literally - "Now you're talking" is a humorous way of saying "that's more like it!"

                        'Man know thyself'
                        'Man know thyself'


                          Originally posted by Peter:
                          It is an expression in English, not meant literally - "Now you're talking" is a humorous way of saying "that's more like it!"

                          I see. As I'm not an english native speaker, I didn't understand.

