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History of Beethoven in Los Angeles.

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    History of Beethoven in Los Angeles.

    This is one of the best Statues of Beethoven I have seen.




      I grew up in Los Angeles and I didn't know about this statue until the 1980s. My father used to work in a french bread bakery in downtown L.A. which was located between Chinatown and City Hall. Not far from there is Purshing Square where this statue is located. A couple of times when I visited my father at his work I would drive to Purshing Square to see Beethoven.
      "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly." -Beethoven 1804.


        Wow, learn something new everyday! Had no idea the Master was in LA! Interesting article too about the problem of pigeons pooping on LvB and the Peanuts protests, etc. Ha.

        I do wish though there would one day be a statue that didn't try to make B. look so towering and Hollywood handsome. If they did a realistic look, made him stout and pockmarked but with fierce-looking eyes then they would nail it. It would actually be more interesting to look at too then all these idealized caricatures. Kind of like how the actor (since we're in LA) Joaquin Phoenix is found by people to be more interesting to watch then his brother, River, who's more traditionally (blandly?) handsome.


          Originally posted by euphony131 View Post
          Wow, learn something new everyday! Had no idea the Master was in LA! Interesting article too about the problem of pigeons pooping on LvB and the Peanuts protests, etc. Ha.

          I do wish though there would one day be a statue that didn't try to make B. look so towering and Hollywood handsome. If they did a realistic look, made him stout and pockmarked but with fierce-looking eyes then they would nail it. It would actually be more interesting to look at too then all these idealized caricatures. Kind of like how the actor (since we're in LA) Joaquin Phoenix is found by people to be more interesting to watch then his brother, River, who's more traditionally (blandly?) handsome.

          The whole thing is schizophrenic; one day 'face-lifted' for the intellectually and philosophically deep of Los Angeles and the other day black and yet another day a privileged white. Honestly, my head is spinning like that woman in "The Exorcist", but I prefer to laugh heartily about most of it!!

