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Authentic Instruments page - 3 Sonatas for fortepiano Op.2

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    Originally posted by Marta:
    Hi Peter..great, you also are a performer and a teacher.

    Yes, I just realize how many different and strong opinions this subject brings.
    Perhaps was a mistake that I posted my opinion on this matter, considering that the thread was about performances on Authentic instruments.
    I will abstain of expressing myself again in this thread.

    You were right to post what you thought at this chain. This is the most interesting Beethoven topic area as far as I am concerned.

    "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


      Originally posted by Marta:
      I just realize how many different and strong opinions this subject brings.
      Perhaps was a mistake that I posted my opinion on this matter, considering that the thread was about performances on Authentic instruments.
      I will abstain of expressing myself again in this thread.

      No your contribution is especially welcome as you are a pianist! Everyone has a right to an opinion and the whole point of a forum is not necessarily to agree but to find out what others think.

      'Man know thyself'
      'Man know thyself'


        Originally posted by Peter:
        No your contribution is especially welcome as you are a pianist! Everyone has a right to an opinion and the whole point of a forum is not necessarily to agree but to find out what others think.

        Hi Peter.

        I said that my posting in this thread was perhaps a mistake, beacuse for what I can see now, this thread is mostly for people that are interested in those performances on Authentic instruments, as yourself, Rod and others.
        I feel that I intruded with my opinions in a subject, that I think was not the purpose of this thread.


        [This message has been edited by Marta (edited May 20, 2003).]

        [This message has been edited by Marta (edited May 20, 2003).]


          Originally posted by Marta:
          Hi Peter.

          I said that my posting in this thread was perhaps a mistake, beacuse for what I can see now, this thread is mostly for people that are interested in those performances on Authentic instruments, as yourself, Rod and others.
          I feel that I intruded with my opinions in a subject, that I think was not the purpose of this thread.

          Don't think that you have intruded on my account. I find your opinions quite fascinating and on point. Since I am not a pianist I cannot offer informed opinion as to things such as action etc., but as a lifetime listener I can certainly opine on sound. I must admit that I am in favor of modern instruments for much the same reasons that you have given, but I don't consider that as excluding the possibility that I might enjoy listening to the work on a pianoforte either. I understand Rod's obsession with authenticity, and even share it to some extent, so I appreciate his efforts to turn us all on to it, but I don't want to limit the possibilities of the music to either mode. As long as the player is competent (inspired would be even better), and the instrument sounds at least somewhat as it was intended to by its maker (not always a sure thing, I'm afraid), I can take my B either way. I will say this about the pieces at hand, my Brendel has a much more refined evenness to the sound that I appreciate. If it is not supposed to sound even, well, I guess I'm just a big goof. That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
          Regards, Gurn
          That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


            Originally posted by Gurn Blanston:
            Don't think that you have intruded on my account. I find your opinions quite fascinating and on point. Since I am not a pianist I cannot offer informed opinion as to things such as action etc., but as a lifetime listener I can certainly opine on sound. I must admit that I am in favor of modern instruments for much the same reasons that you have given, but I don't consider that as excluding the possibility that I might enjoy listening to the work on a pianoforte either. I understand Rod's obsession with authenticity, and even share it to some extent, so I appreciate his efforts to turn us all on to it, but I don't want to limit the possibilities of the music to either mode. As long as the player is competent (inspired would be even better), and the instrument sounds at least somewhat as it was intended to by its maker (not always a sure thing, I'm afraid), I can take my B either way. I will say this about the pieces at hand, my Brendel has a much more refined evenness to the sound that I appreciate. If it is not supposed to sound even, well, I guess I'm just a big goof. That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
            Regards, Gurn
            Hi Gurn.

            Thank you. Each person has it's own perception and opinions. I expressed what is mine opinion as a pianist and musician, in a subject in which I have a very strong position, as others may also have.
            My interest in pianofortes goes as far as to the historical development of the piano, and nothing else, as a performance instrument today, after listening many performances, it just doesn't satisfy me, I found that the pianofortes doesn't offer to the pianists (even a great one) the possibility to exploit the potentials of the music that is contained in the score. But again this my personal opinion.
            Gurn, if you enjoy either, pianofortes and pianos, great, but at least you also appreciate and enjoy the good performances on the magnifecent pianos of today. With this I can agree.

            Again, thanks.


