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    I want to propose a vote.

    Who do you think is the greatest pianist today, and who was among the already deceased?

    My vote is:

    Alive: Mikahil Pletnev
    Deceased: Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli

    I know there are many great pianists among the deceased, and is hard to vote for only one, my second choice will be Emil Gillels.


    By "greatest" I don't know if you mean technically, interpretationally or in conbination. In any case, I like 2 dead guys more than any current ones, so I will cheat right away and say;

    Wilhelm Kempff
    Rudolf Serkin

    Regards, Gurn
    That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


      Very much alive,Anton Kuerti.
      "Finis coronat opus "



        okay here's my vote ...

        alive: Mikhail Pletnev
        deceased: i just couldn't say ... i don't know...

        other thoughts on this topic:

        most underrated modern pianist: Jon Kimura Parker

        most unconventional: Awadagin Pratt

        i feel like i shouldn't participate in this since i can't play -- you know, since i don't know anything about music, when i discovered that i liked classical music i found myself buying several copies of the same sonata until i found one that just sort of 'sounded right' to me - i have like 4 copies of Moonlight Sonata - that would be one of the first classical Cd's i ever bought - and that's how i discovered that i liked mr. pletnev (and actually i discovered that i disliked some guy named Buchbinder).


        [This message has been edited by Happymelody (edited May 11, 2003).]


          In my opinion the greatest living pianist is unquestionably M.Pletnev. Among deceased pianists I vote for Josef Hofmann and A.B.Michelangeli.


            Well I don't think you can have an overall greatest - Schnabel was the outstanding Beethoven player of his generation, but not the greatest Chopin interpreter.

            'Man know thyself'
            'Man know thyself'


              Originally posted by Peter:
              Well I don't think you can have an overall greatest - Schnabel was the outstanding Beethoven player of his generation, but not the greatest Chopin interpreter.

              Hi Peter.

              Yes, Schnabel performances of Beethoven are outstanding, but as you said, he did not achieved the same with other composers.
              To me the greatest is the one who had demostrated to be outstanding in all periods and composers, who possesess not only a super-virtosity command of the instrument but also a high level of musicianship and is able to re-create with individuality.
              Very few pianinsts had achieved that.
              Mikahil Pletnev in my opinion had, from Scarlatti( which is magnifecent) to Prokoffiev, everything he had recorded is outstanding. I never been disapointed by him.



                "Finis coronat opus "


                  Originally posted by spaceray:
                  Hi Spacery.

                  Probably you are right...but we can't judge, no recordings in those times, only we have what have been said about his playing, and this is others opinions and not ours, same with Liszt and many others.
                  Sadly for us it didn't exist recordings in those times...who knows what we have missed. I only can judge or give my opinion based in what I have listened, otherwise it won't be my opinion, but someone else.



                    Even though I have not listened to Beethoven perform I'm willing to bet it was pretty good playing.I would have liked to hear him play the organ at the Marienkirche.
                    "Finis coronat opus "


                      Originally posted by Marta:
                      Hi Spacery.

                      Probably you are right...but we can't judge, no recordings in those times, only we have what have been said about his playing, and this is others opinions and not ours, same with Liszt and many others.
                      Sadly for us it didn't exist recordings in those times...who knows what we have missed. I only can judge or give my opinion based in what I have listened, otherwise it won't be my opinion, but someone else.

                      I love your reasoning above! As a matter of policy people should be presenting generally their own opinions/experiences rather than the opinions/experiences of others - your reasoning exemplifies the kinds of tenants that undergird the hearsay rule in a courtroom. You'd make a great lawyer!


                      [This message has been edited by Happymelody (edited May 12, 2003).]


                        Originally posted by spaceray:
                        Even though I have not listened to Beethoven perform I'm willing to bet it was pretty good playing.I would have liked to hear him play the organ at the Marienkirche.

                        I, too, would be thrilled for such an opportunity! And I can't think of a pianist whom I would rather listen to than Beethoven, especially were he to improvise.


                          I think I would like to have been there around the young Beethoven years,say around 1784.
                          "Finis coronat opus "


                            Originally posted by spaceray:
                            I think I would like to have been there around the young Beethoven years,say around 1784.
                            Too young! I think he must have been at his best in the mid 1790's.

                            'Man know thyself'
                            'Man know thyself'


                              Yes Peter your right your date would be the time to hear him at his best.

                              I chose an earlier date from the point of view of a student with only a single year of piano under her belt.I would have liked to hear the student Beethoven.
                              "Finis coronat opus "

