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I need help

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    I need help

    Hey i need help, i would like it if ya can send me info on beethoven, it would really help, please no fake info,

    my email adress is


    Originally posted by laughingmatter17:
    Hey i need help, i would like it if ya can send me info on beethoven, it would really help, please no fake info,

    my email adress is

    Hey, great to hear that you are interested in Beethoven. I am sure you will find on this site all the information on aspects of his life and works that you would want.
    May I respectfully add that you do ofcourse realize that it is a big subject and you do need to think about the material and structure it to your academic requirements.
    I am sure that anyone on the site will assist any particular inquiry in connection with
    your Beethoven studies.
    But, what people here would not be prepared to do is spoon feed you great chunks of material, ready made for your own purposes.
    You have to write your own essays yourself and use your own critical faculties, but you will find that once you start to do this with someone like Beethoven, he will open doors into new and wonderful worlds of musical experience and historical understanding, and a profound sense of the unique beauty and richness of life itself.
    That's our man. Beethoven lives and is eternal.

    Good luck with your studies.

    [This message has been edited by lysander (edited May 09, 2003).]


      If I might add also,listen to the music and all will be revealed.
      "Finis coronat opus "


        Originally posted by laughingmatter17:
        Hey i need help, i would like it if ya can send me info on beethoven, it would really help, please no fake info,

        my email adress is

        I have to question the wisdom of replying to posts like this. No disrespect to the present questioner, but (speaking generally) it seems to me that such posts are either from kids messing about, or from people who can't be bothered to read even the most basic details on this site, or any other Beethoven site for that matter. Information about Beethoven is not hard to come by, if people really want it.

        There have been a spate of these ridiculous "Tell me all about Beethoven" posts lately, most of them (such as this one) phrased in a juvenile way.

        In addition, I notice that some of the posters ask people to email the information to them. I suspect that this is because they have no intention of coming back to this message board. In which case it is futile to post the information here. No doubt 'laughingmatter17' will now pop up to prove me wrong, but my observations are still valid.

        I suggest that these suspicious posts are either ignored, or a short reply posted referring the questioner to the information on the web site.

        Am I being too harsh? What do other members think?



          Originally posted by melvyn:
          I suggest that these suspicious posts are either ignored, or a short reply posted referring the questioner to the information on the web site.

          Am I being too harsh? What do other members think?


          I think that high school kids doing projects should be banned from this site altogether! Their posts should immediately be deleted.

          It's an insult to Beethoven and an insult to us when someone comes along like this, who obviously has not the slightest interest in the subject at all. If I am interested in something I will make an effort to learn about it, and my interest makes the effort worthwhile. But if I take the easiest way out, and lazily pop up on a message board asking people to spoon feed me infomation to my email account, then I obviously do not have the slightest interest in the subject, and am just doing it because I have to.

          Send this joker infomation by email? Ha! Why on earth should we bother?!
          "It is only as an aesthetic experience that existence is eternally justified" - Nietzsche


            Originally posted by Steppenwolf:

            I think that high school kids doing projects should be banned from this site altogether! Their posts should immediately be deleted.

            It's an insult to Beethoven and an insult to us when someone comes along like this, who obviously has not the slightest interest in the subject at all. If I am interested in something I will make an effort to learn about it, and my interest makes the effort worthwhile. But if I take the easiest way out, and lazily pop up on a message board asking people to spoon feed me infomation to my email account, then I obviously do not have the slightest interest in the subject, and am just doing it because I have to.

            Send this joker infomation by email? Ha! Why on earth should we bother?!
            On the other hand maybe any information that the high schooler gets here will help develop that person's interest in classical music and Beethoven.

            i think you have some valid points that the high schooler should not have information spoon fed to him or her (that's not the way real life works!) but i'm feeling a little overly sensitive to your comment at the moment since i don't play an instrument, never taken a musical appreciation course, never read a book on Beethoven, etc ... i just come to this site often because i very much like classical music (well, truthfully i especially like Baroque music) and it's always fun to read what's being posted but i feel like i have little to offer. I am NOT attacking you at the moment, rather at the moment i'm being an overly sensitive female.




              Originally posted by Happymelody:
              i'm feeling a little overly sensitive to your comment at the moment since i don't play an instrument, never taken a musical appreciation course, never read a book on Beethoven, etc ... i just come to this site often because i very much like classical music (well, truthfully i especially like Baroque music) and it's always fun to read what's being posted but i feel like i have little to offer.
              Well you shouldn't feel sensitive because my criticisms were in no way directed towards you. I'm not a musical scholar either, but like you I have a genuine interest in classical music.
              People who are genuinely interested in learning more are always welcome, ESPECIALLY, I believe, those who are beginners. But you can just tell from the tone of the message beginning this thread, and others like it, that the poster is not really interested, and just wants free help in exchange for nothing to complete a project that is basically just a chore.
              "It is only as an aesthetic experience that existence is eternally justified" - Nietzsche


                But it does give us a chance to exercise a little sarcasm .

                Is it really better to just to ignore these

                What if the kid does listen to some Beethoven.

                "Finis coronat opus "

