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40 CD Beethoven Set

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    40 CD Beethoven Set

    I was surfing the web and came across this:

    Beethoven - "The Complete Masterworks" - 40 CD box set.
    Includes: Complete symphonies, 6 Piano concertos, Violin concerto, Romances, Piano sonatas, Violin sonatas, Cello sonatas, String quartets, Piano trios, Masses, Overtures.

    I want one! This is the same label as the 'Superdrug' CDs, but I doubt they will ever be selling this set.

    There is a link to purchase online, but it doesn't work (

    The link above gives complete details of all the 40 CDs, titles, artists, etc.

    Has anybody seen this set, or know where it can be obtained? Amazon don't stock it. Sorry if this is old news, but I didn't know of the existence of this set until today.


    <IMG SRC=""
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    Looked the set over at your link, if you are lacking many of the major works, this looks like a bargain. I say this particularly because I just purchased on this same label the Complete String Quartets of Dvorak, which is 10 disks at a cost of $35 US, which is a spectacular price. The set is beautiful, the playing is great, the packaging and liner notes are excellent, it won a Diapason D'Or award, and I rank it with my all-time best purchases ever. I had failed to notice on your original post that those sets were on the Brilliant label, or I would have answered you there (obviously the UK Superdrug chain has little relevance in Texas ;-)). In any case, I wouldn't need this particular set as there is nothing on it that I don't already have, much of it several times over, but I would certainly recommend it on spec if it suits your needs.
    Regards, Gurn
    That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


      #3 has this set: -/B000027R7U/qid=1052053614/sr=1-2/ref=sr_1_2/104-7874267-9921518?v=glance&s=classical

      If this link doesn't work, just search "Beethoven Complete Masterworks" on their site. Ebay also has this and other Brilliant Classics from time to time. I have their "Complete Bach Edition" and it's a joy! Also, Tower Records-Lincoln Center has this and others in their store on Broadway and 66th Street in NY.

      P.S. I would think that this is the entire set, considering the price, not just one volume, as listed.

      [This message has been edited by Cocchini (edited May 04, 2003).]


        ahh, silly me...I was looking at the price thinking it's not THAT bad...comparatively, there's a bunch of 10-cd sets of the piano sonatas around the same price...then I realized that you're talking American dollar there so yeah that's probably a little more pricey for my southern neighbours...not that some 100+ dollars is petty cash for me...But hey, our dollar is at an all time high so maybe it's due time I really open up my pocket book and buy this set while I'm worht a little more!!...or not, sometime I'd love to get this thing though...sounds awesome, since I have a relatively small collection of classical music.

        and I posted a similar message in the 'where o where' thread or whatever...realizing later that I posted it in the wrong place...duh! I think I deleted it but if I didn't I'm sorry...and if anyone saw it before it was delated if it is deleted then I'm sorry too.


          Originally posted by melvyn:
          I was surfing the web and came across this:

          Beethoven - "The Complete Masterworks" - 40 CD box set.
          Includes: Complete symphonies, 6 Piano concertos, Violin concerto, Romances, Piano sonatas, Violin sonatas, Cello sonatas, String quartets, Piano trios, Masses, Overtures.

          I want one! This is the same label as the 'Superdrug' CDs, but I doubt they will ever be selling this set.

          There is a link to purchase online, but it doesn't work (

          The link above gives complete details of all the 40 CDs, titles, artists, etc.

          Has anybody seen this set, or know where it can be obtained? Amazon don't stock it. Sorry if this is old news, but I didn't know of the existence of this set until today.


          <IMG SRC=""
          WIDTH="210" HEIGHT="150">

          I've seen this on ebay a few times. It usually runs around $80.00. I'm still looking for the Deutsch Grammophon 'Complete Beethoven Edition' which has 80 CD's of Beethoven's complete works. Anyone know how I can aquire this collection?


            Originally posted by heidi:
            I've seen this on ebay a few times. It usually runs around $80.00. I'm still looking for the Deutsch Grammophon 'Complete Beethoven Edition' which has 80 CD's of Beethoven's complete works. Anyone know how I can aquire this collection?
            I got mine from Amazon. I think they still do it, either complete or the individual volumes separately.



              Originally posted by melvyn:
              I got mine from Amazon. I think they still do it, either complete or the individual volumes separately.


              If you don't mind my asking, what did you pay for it? I've seen it go for over $1000 and as less as $600 ( the complete set).


                Yes, I would be interested too, since I hav eonly seen the "over $1000" version, $1100 actually.
                Regards, Gurn
                That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                  Originally posted by heidi:
                  If you don't mind my asking, what did you pay for it? I've seen it go for over $1000 and as less as $600 ( the complete set).

                  At the time I bought mine, it was around £570 (sorry, I'm in the UK so can't quote $$ prices. Just multiply by 1.6 to get an idea). It's probably the best £570 I've ever spent! The set is a joy to have and to listen to.

                  Now I've just checked on, and I see that the price has come down to £487. I think that's an excellent price for such a fabulous set from a top concern like DG. I don't know if it can be obtained cheaper anywhere else, as I haven't investigated. Amazon is usually pretty competitive.

                  I do already have two different sets of Beethoven's 'complete' works, but this 40-CD set looks like a nice set in its own right, so I will be adding it to my collection. I'm always looking for new interpretations of Beethoven's work. I have found an online supplier in the UK for the 40-CD set. The price is £55.



                    Originally posted by melvyn:
                    At the time I bought mine, it was around £570 (sorry, I'm in the UK so can't quote $$ prices. Just multiply by 1.6 to get an idea). It's probably the best £570 I've ever spent! The set is a joy to have and to listen to.

                    Now I've just checked on, and I see that the price has come down to £487. I think that's an excellent price for such a fabulous set from a top concern like DG. I don't know if it can be obtained cheaper anywhere else, as I haven't investigated. Amazon is usually pretty competitive.

                    I do already have two different sets of Beethoven's 'complete' works, but this 40-CD set looks like a nice set in its own right, so I will be adding it to my collection. I'm always looking for new interpretations of Beethoven's work. I have found an online supplier in the UK for the 40-CD set. The price is £55.

                    Thanks for the info, I'll do the math but I think the price is as good as I've ever seen. And that set on Brilliant, if it is as good as the Dvorak set I mentioned above, you won't be disappointed. Now, if they would just come out with a set that had the rarities on it instead of the "mainstream" (if you can ever call B that), I would jump on it no matter the price.
                    Regards, Gurn
                    That's my opinion, I may be wrong.

