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Greatest collection of the Piano Sonatas ?!?

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    Greatest collection of the Piano Sonatas ?!?

    Who was the greatest performer of Beethoven piano sonatas ?!?

    I saw some interesting box sets of the 32 sonatas, but with prices that range from 80$ to 100$, i want to be real careful of what i'm getting.

    Originally posted by Stargazer:
    Who was the greatest performer of Beethoven piano sonatas ?!?
    This of course is very much a matter of personal taste. Of the complete recordings that I know about I tend to prefer Kempf's latest. But there are several recordings that may serve you well.
    Be true! Be true! Be true!


      This is truly a matter of taste for everyone. I have Bernard Roberts complete CD volumn of which I'm pleased. Some people enjoy Alfred Brendel of which some sonatas I also have. You should probably check some out maybe of your library if they carry them and try some different artists out before investing.

      'Truth and beauty joined'


        I like Alfred Brendel.


          Don't purchase anything until you have heard Annie Fischer's cycle. Truly amazing!!


          [This message has been edited by Cocchini (edited April 16, 2003).]


            Canadian pianist Anton Kuerti.


              Brendel for me as well.


                Originally posted by Chris:
                Brendel for me as well.
                Errh which Brendel? AFAIK he has recorded at least 3 complete cycles. And rather different.

                Btw. he is reported to have said to a pupil: "This is excellent music. Don't try to make it better."
                Be true! Be true! Be true!


                  Yes, you are correct - he has recorded many. I was refering to the most most recent set.


                    Originally posted by Poseidan73:
                    I like Alfred Brendel.

                    I have Alfred Brendel and Daniel Barenboim. I like Barenboim's version of the Waldstien better, he plays the second movement a bit slower.


                      see...I too was wondering the same question...if it's a matter of taste, if anyone could have the time and ability to do so, could you kinda give some of the more popular recordings (or whatevr) and list some of the attributes that each set caters to... I'd love that!!


                        Originally posted by jman:
                        see...I too was wondering the same question...if it's a matter of taste, if anyone could have the time and ability to do so, could you kinda give some of the more popular recordings (or whatevr) and list some of the attributes that each set caters to... I'd love that!!
                        Well, of course.

                        I gess the trick is to filter the most common choises and then go for those that gather to ones personal preference.

                        Now, i don't know much about those sonatas, i heard a few but not enought to tell what i want from these peices.

                        For instance, i know that, as far as Symphonies are concerned, i like my Beethoven on fire, sonatas could be different.

                        Usually, i'm drawn to the hightest form of emotional expression, so, if it sounds too dry it won't matter to me how good the performance is, albiet i do also care about technique.

                        [This message has been edited by Stargazer (edited April 23, 2003).]


                          yes...I think 'on fire' would be a cool way to put my musical tastes...another thing I thought of; does anyone ever play the first movement of the Moonlight fast?? I hate it when played slow as it's always been whenever I hear it...I don't mean really fast but somewhat faster than most people do it?? That's something...I never realized how much musical tastes can affect the outcome of music until I bought this 2CD set of Glen Gould playing Brahms my tastes that's two big thumbs DOWN. So now I'm trying to be more cautious about buying the sonatas...


                            Originally posted by Poseidan73:
                            I like Alfred Brendel.

                            hi there - i have an Alfred Brendel CD which has moonlight, appassionata, and a couple of other Beethoven sonatas on it - i really love it alot, but i didn't know you could buy complete Brendel of all 32 ???

                            I have a friend that raves about Richard Goode, and i think he has recorded all 32 - does anyone have any thoughts on the Goode recordings?


                              Originally posted by Happymelody:

                              hi there - i have an Alfred Brendel CD which has moonlight, appassionata, and a couple of other Beethoven sonatas on it - i really love it alot, but i didn't know you could buy complete Brendel of all 32 ???
                              Yes, i think it's not just the full sonatas, but also some bagatelles and the eroica variations, am i right? I have the collection of "famous sonatas", which include pathetique, moonlight, pastoral, le adieux, tempest, waldstein, appassionata and one or two more, as well as another collection with the eroica variations and a few bagatelles thrown in. Excellent. I don't know anything about Goode though...

