Ignaz Schuppanzigh good naturedly served as the butt of Beethoven's frequent jokes about obesity and similarities to Falstaff.
Ludwig wrote the following musical joke for three voices and chorus;-
Schup-pan-zigh is-a dope, dope!. Who-knows him, who knows-him not?
The fat and greedy-hog, the egotistic-im-be-cile! You dope, Schup-pan-zigh! You jack-ass, Schup-pan-zigh! Let all of us-chime in; You are the great-est Jack-ass!
You dope! You jack-ass, You jack-ass! Hi-hi-ha!.
I think this piece is entitled; "Homage to fatty". Has anyone heard this rare piece?
When planning for a dinner after the concert on May 7th 1824, Schindler offered to invite "My Lord Falstaff, if he will promise to eat only a regular meal; otherwise I must order for three more guests".
Beethoven also referred to Schuppanzigh as,
"offspring of the ancient English dynasty of my Lord Falstaff".
Was Ludwig's humour always taken good naturedly?