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    Originally posted by Chaszz:

    And I'm sure there will be others we will not want back, but some unbalanced obsessive will want to clone anyway....

    This will be enivitable and that's the real scary part about cloning. If we'll be able to clone genius's then, of course, some one will want to clone the evil that's been amongst us. Heaven help us then.

    'Truth and beauty joined'


      Originally posted by Andrea:
      Well, Gurn, I just heard on the radio this morning that the first cloned human baby was born in Florida to a 30 year old woman. It's a girl. Could this be the beginning of the end?

      I had not heard that, Andrea, that's interesting. I'll have to watch the news today.

      'Truth and beauty joined'


        Well, I did just hear about it on the news today, but, scientists have their doubts that this happened. The religious cult group Clonaid takes responsibility and claims they have the technology to do this but then they also believe in extraterrestrials amd that many members have been 'abducted' so I think I'll pass on this one!

        'Truth and beauty joined'


          Guys! All this talk about cloning people is chilling my blood!


            Invasion of the Body Snatchers...


              And they claim Canadian citizenship,this won't help our image!
              "Finis coronat opus "


                Originally posted by spaceray:
                And they claim Canadian citizenship,this won't help our image!
                No, your image won't change in the eyes of those who know and love you. ;-)))
                That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                  George Bush does not love us!
                  oh and the Agentinians don't like us much either.We are popular with the Dutch people though!
                  "Finis coronat opus "


                    Originally posted by spaceray:
                    George Bush does not love us!
                    oh and the Agentinians don't like us much either.We are popular with the Dutch people though!
                    I just don't know where you get that idea about W. He thinks the world of you, I'm sure. After all, it was one of your political appointees that called HIM a moron, not the other way around. Not sure about the Argentinians, let's check with chopithoven. As for me, I love you, and that is the best I can do, n'cest pas?
                    Gurn ;-))
                    That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                      George Bush is mad at us for leaving all the doors open and letting just any body come on in.It seems every terrorist is trotting around with a Canadian passport!!! what is with that!When British Politicians embarrass
                      themselves while in office they resign but when Canadians do it they just keep showing up for work !Don't think for a moment that Canadians are sweet, inocent and lovable you might be fooling yourself.
                      "Finis coronat opus "


                        Originally posted by spaceray:
                        When British Politicians embarrass
                        themselves while in office they resign
                        Not these days I'm afraid, otherwise we'd be having resignations every week!

                        'Man know thyself'
                        'Man know thyself'


                          Originally posted by spaceray:
                          George Bush is mad at us for leaving all the doors open and letting just any body come on in.

                          Sounds like what we've been doing for years.

                          Don't think for a moment that Canadians are sweet, inocent and lovable you might be fooling yourself.


                          No country is.

                          'Truth and beauty joined'


                            Originally posted by Gurn Blanston:

                            After all, it was one of your political appointees that called HIM a moron, not the other way around.
                            yes,she was just one administration short of the truth here I think,from Monica Lewinsky to Osama bin Ladin its all been such a whirlwind.
                            "Finis coronat opus "


                              Originally posted by spaceray:
                              yes,she was just one administration short of the truth here I think,from Monica Lewinsky to Osama bin Ladin its all been such a whirlwind.
                              Alright, now I'm scared! All these politics, you would think we were back in the 19th century! I think I agree with you, in any case, if you are saying that W's moral fiber is more important in a leader than Clinton's lack of it, he wa, in my opinion, all flash, no substance. Bush is far from flashy, but living in the state that he governed for several years before becoming pres, I can tell you he has substance, anyway, and he'll get a glass-topped desk if that's what it takes! ;-)))
                              Regards, Gurn
                              That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                                In Canada,it seems,the country is not run by the elected but by the spin doctors behind the scenes perhaps this is true in the US as well.I wasn't really commenting on American politics per se but more the media machine that seems to drive everything!Imagine one year a stained dress seems to be all over the front page and then terrorism and war with hardly a moment to take a breath.
                                "Finis coronat opus "

