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Choral fantasy

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    Choral fantasy

    Hi, I'm a newcommer here and I don't now if this is the appropriate place to ask for it, but, I'm looking for the lyrics of the choral part of Beethoven's Choral fantasy (Fantasia for piano, choral & orchestra - Op.80), where I can find it?
    Thank you

    The 6 soloits:
    Schmeichelnd hold - Coaxing, fair
    The 3 women:
    Schmeichelnd hold und lieblich klingen
    unsers Lebens Harmonien
    und dem Schönheitssinn entschwingen
    Blumen sich, die ewig blühn.
    *Coaxing, fair, lovely is the sound
    *of harmony in our life
    *and sense of beauty generates
    *flowers that bloom for ever.

    Freid' und Freude gleiten freundlich
    wie der Wellen Wechselspiel;
    was sich drängte rauh und feindlich
    ordnet sich zu Hochgefühl
    *Peace and joy flow as kindly
    *as the tide of waves.
    *Rough, hostile pressures
    *are transformed to lofty emotion.

    The 3 men:
    Wenn der Töne Zauber walten
    und der Wortes Weihe spricht,
    muss sich Herrliches gestalten,
    Nacht und Stürme werden Licht.
    *When magical sound is in command
    *and words convey devotion,
    *wonders must take shape;
    *night and tempest turn to light.

    Äuss're Ruhe, inn're Wonne
    herrschen für den Glücklichen.
    Doch der Künste Frühlingssonne
    lässte uns beiden Licht entstehn.
    *Quietness without, bliss within
    *are the happy man's rulers.
    *But the spring sun of the arts
    *gives us light from them both.

    The whole ensemble:
    Grosses, das ins Herz gedrungen,
    blüht dann neu und schön empor,
    hat ein Geist sich aufgeschwungen,
    hallt ihm stets ein Geisterchor.
    *Grandeur impressend in the heart
    *then shoots anew and fair on high.
    *When the spirits leaps up,
    *a choir of spirits resounds eternal.

    Nehm denn hin, ihr schönen Seelen,
    froh die Gaben schöner Kunst.
    Wenn sich Lieb' und Kraft vermählen,
    lohnt den Menschen Göttergunst.
    *So, lovely spirits, accept
    *the gifts of fair art gladly.
    *When love and strength are wedded
    *divine grace is man's reward.

    Some say this is by Christoph Kuffner, some say it's autor is unknown, I took this out from my recording with Barenboim conducting and playing (a really good one, even with Barenboim...).

    Hope it helps! :-)
    "Wer ein holdes Weib errungen..."

    "My religion is the one in which Haydn is pope." - by me .

    "Set a course, take it slow, make it happen."


      Very good! This is what I'm looking for!
      Many thanks!!


        Ei,Rutradelusasa, você é daqui também?!?!
        Bem que eu digo que brasileiro dá em todo canto!! E a gente gastando o inglês a toa!
        Fala, conterrânea! Sou de Brasília também!


          Originally posted by Edelberto Neto:
          Ei,Rutradelusasa, você é daqui também?!?!
          Bem que eu digo que brasileiro dá em todo canto!! E a gente gastando o inglês a toa!
          Fala, conterrânea! Sou de Brasília também!
          Conterrâneo! É só ler o meu nick de trás pra frente...
          tens icq? o meu é 60061011
          "Wer ein holdes Weib errungen..."

          "My religion is the one in which Haydn is pope." - by me .

          "Set a course, take it slow, make it happen."


            Só.. Mas eu nem tenho o ICQ...
            hehe, eu só acho graça dos gringo que não tão entendendo nada...
            De qualquer forma, valeu pela letra, falou aê..
            e ViVa o BRASIL!!! Com "S"!!!

