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Rare page - Serenade for Flute, Violin and Viola

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    Rare page - Serenade for Flute, Violin and Viola

    Now available to members on the rare page.

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'

    This is not a new piece to me; it has long been a favorite of mine. Even a friend of mine, who does not much care for Beethoven, loves Op. 25. Good recording, too.


      Originally posted by Chris:
      This is not a new piece to me; it has long been a favorite of mine. Even a friend of mine, who does not much care for Beethoven, loves Op. 25. Good recording, too.
      Yes, this is a good clean performance, so much so that I can even just about tollerate the modern instruments! As a result of the instruments used Op25 is obviously very bright and etherial affair, though not without seriousness of intent - I presume your friend is more of a Mozart fan Chris?

      "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


        I presume your friend is more of a Mozart fan Chris?
        Yep. He loves Baroque music too. He does run across the occasional period instrument Beethoven recording that he likes, though. I'm slowly bringing him around

        [This message has been edited by Chris (edited August 29, 2002).]


          Originally posted by Chris:
          Yep. He loves Baroque music too. He does run across the occasional period instrument Beethoven recording that he likes, though. I'm slowly bringing him around
          If he's into Baroque he should be by default into Period instruments, though bizarrely this is often not the case. I'm registered with a Handel forum on Yahoo Groups and the mere mention of period instruments and 'historically informed' practices causes paranoia and uproar! Like the Beethoven Forum when i first joined, in fact. Not now though!! All these Handelians talk about is singers, their 'darlings', which bores me quite frankly.

          You say you know this piece Chris, have any other of you heard it? I wasn't sure if it qualified as 'rare'. There are not many recordings that's for sure and I've never seen a performance of it advertised where I am.

          "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin

          [This message has been edited by Rod (edited August 30, 2002).]


            Originally posted by Rod:
            If he's into Baroque he should be by default into Period instruments...
            Oh, he is. I've mentioned him here before, actually. He loves them. Plays them, too. He has a nice Baroque oboe and also a recorder or two, I believe. He's always talking about the next instument he plans to buy.

            Me, I'd like to put some serious money in to a really nice violin. I have to play better first, though, to make it worth it. Never enough time to practice


              Originally posted by Chris:

              Me, I'd like to put some serious money in to a really nice violin. I have to play better first, though, to make it worth it. Never enough time to practice
              Buy the violin you really want regardless, it may inspire you! Years back, the first electric guitar I bought was the best money can buy, the Gibson SG as played by Angus Young. I couldn't play a note when I got it, but became a virtuoso axe-hero within 2 years, without any lessons. Follow my good example and you may end up as good as me!

              "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                Originally posted by Chris:
                Oh, he is. I've mentioned him here before, actually.
                Is this the same person who, long ago, thought that period intruments might not be so good for Beethoven as for the earlier music, and whom I belittled for having such illogical ideas?

                "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin

                [This message has been edited by Rod (edited August 30, 2002).]


                  Originally posted by Rod:
                  Buy the violin you really want regardless, it may inspire you! Years back, the first electric guitar I bought was the best money can buy, the Gibson SG as played by Angus Young. I couldn't play a note when I got it, but became a virtuoso axe-hero within 2 years, without any lessons. Follow my good example and you may end up as good as me!
                  I have a few guitars on my to-buy list as well. (Looking at that new Burns Brian May Signature right now.) Fortunately (or unfortunately), they are not nearly as expensive as a first-class violin. Doesn't really matter, though, since I don't have that kind of money right now anyway.

                  Is this the same person who, long ago, thought that period intruments might not be so good for Beethoven as for the earlier music, and whom I belittled for having such illogical ideas?
                  Could be, but that doesn't sound too much like him. If he said that, it was probably due to my influence


                    Actually this piece was unknown to me - delightful!

                    'Man know thyself'
                    'Man know thyself'


                      I have heard this piece on the classical music station before. They don't play it often enough however. I just love it. Very pleasant indeed.
                      'Truth and beauty joined'


                        Originally posted by Rod:
                        If he's into Baroque he should be by default into Period instruments, though bizarrely this is often not the case. I'm registered with a Handel forum on Yahoo Groups and the mere mention of period instruments and 'historically informed' practices causes paranoia and uproar!
                        Guess what, the moderator at this forum (to be found at has kicked me out! He said I was creating too much bad feeling, but you could understand my behaviour when the prominent members there questioned Beethoven's sanity when I informed them of his rating of Handel above all the others (they were not sympathetic to Beethoven per se at this site, which raised my suspicions). They even thought I may have made up some of Beethoven's well known quotes concerning Handel!! Well, after all that, as you'd expect my presence there was like a bull in a china shop! Their reaction was all the more surprising because there are some very musically educated people there, with contacts in 'high places'.

                        But, seeing the writing on the wall, I promoted this site heavily before I was thrown out!!

                        "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin

                        [This message has been edited by Rod (edited September 03, 2002).]


                          "Creating too much bad feeling?" I can hardly believe he was talking about the Rod I know! Oh, wait, yes I can


                            Originally posted by Chris:
                            "Creating too much bad feeling?" I can hardly believe he was talking about the Rod I know! Oh, wait, yes I can
                            Well, if they'd just accepted they were wrong and agreed with me there would have been no hassle. You have learned this lesson yourself Chris haven't you.

                            A comment I made that actually resulted in a few people leaving the Handel forum was in response to a request for a recommended recording of Semele, to which I responded "Firstly, as with all Handel music, you should only consider the authentic instrument alternatives...". Upon these simple words I was inundated with abuse!! That place is really in the musical dark ages, all crusty types. It is only due to the lack of such forums that I hung around to witness my inevitable demise.

                            Sorry, but I cannot stomach a place that has such little respect for the Composer it claims to promote.

                            "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin

                            [This message has been edited by Rod (edited September 03, 2002).]


                              Originally posted by Rod:
                              Guess what, the moderator at this forum (to be found at has kicked me out! He said I was creating too much bad feeling,

                              Rod, you're creating havoc all over the internet, aren't you?! You better stay here where we understand you!

                              'Truth and beauty joined'

