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    Originally posted by Claudie MICAULT:
    It is a nice birthday present... and I like this version...the problem is only that the choir does not pronounce enough the consons and, appart the word "Frolich" (happy) it is difficult to understand something clearly so I cannot write you the entire text. Anyway Malfatti was italian, so it was originnally written in italian... and must be sung in italian. The german are usual to translate everything ! The german version presented here does not suit the italian words anyway : it is adapted for "any occasion"" and the name "Giovanni" and the reference to him as a doctor is not there anymore. I have not the german text in my library, but I will try to find something. Musically this piece is very interesting, very well written.
    Thank you Rod for this opportunity to listen such a rare piece in a good version (with a period instrument of course).
    Happy birthday Claudie, it was my birthday last Monday also. Arians both!!! I bought myself a CD by the Turner Quartet of op74 and op59/3 as a present.

    It is strange that the Italian lyrics were printed in the CD notes for WoO103, but the German lyrics were sung, ironically by Italians!!

    "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin

    [This message has been edited by Rod (edited 04-12-2002).]

