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Forum Upgrade

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    Forum Upgrade

    Hi everyone,

    This version of the forum software will shortly become unsupported by my web server, so I am going to be upgrading the forum over the next week or so. So if you see the forum closed, or it is otherwise inaccessible, keep checking back - it will come back online soon.

    Good to know, thank you for the heads up. And good luck with the upgrade!


      Thanks for keeping the forum going Chris - will we have a new look?
      'Man know thyself'


        Thanks, that will be great. Appreciate your efforts to maintain this site.
        "Life is too short to spend it wandering in the barren Sahara of musical trash."
        --Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff


          Thanks, Chris.
          Any plans on including a "Like" button or something similar? I would like to acknowledge many postings even when I don't have anything relevant to contribute.


            Originally posted by Peter View Post
            Thanks for keeping the forum going Chris - will we have a new look?
            It will be at least somewhat different, but I don't know exactly what yet, because I don't know exactly what I will be using. This is actually pretty complicated, because the older software does not run on the newer versions of PHP that will available on my webserver, but the newer software does not run on the older version of PHP I am currently using. So it will be a multistep upgrade process, and I will have to figure out how and when to switch over the back-end stuff in the process.


              Originally posted by Michael View Post
              Thanks, Chris.
              Any plans on including a "Like" button or something similar? I would like to acknowledge many postings even when I don't have anything relevant to contribute.
              Personally, that is the sort of impersonal touch I hate on forums and on social media, but I am going to guess that all modern forum software has that, so it will probably be there.


                Originally posted by Chris View Post
                Personally, that is the sort of impersonal touch I hate on forums and on social media, but I am going to guess that all modern forum software has that, so it will probably be there.
                I agree with you about the impersonal touch but it can be very useful when you want to acknowledge that you've read a message and haven't time to respond at length.
                Whatever you decide, Chris, thanks again for keeping this forum going. (Peter too.)


                  Originally posted by Michael View Post
                  I agree with you about the impersonal touch but it can be very useful when you want to acknowledge that you've read a message and haven't time to respond at length.
                  Whatever you decide, Chris, thanks again for keeping this forum going. (Peter too.)
                  I like like buttons. It is exactly as you say. Also you can like a post that you are responding to. Then the person is more likely to come see what is new.
                  "Life is too short to spend it wandering in the barren Sahara of musical trash."
                  --Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff


                    Thanks, Chris, for keeping the forum going.


                      Originally posted by Harvey View Post
                      I like like buttons. It is exactly as you say. Also you can like a post that you are responding to. Then the person is more likely to come see what is new.


                        Danke Chris for all of your hard work and dedication to this forum. Keep up the good work.
                        "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly." -Beethoven 1804.


                          Originally posted by Michael View Post
                          Hey, I liked that!


                            Originally posted by Sorrano View Post
                            Hey, I liked that!

                            (Hey - how about a "ditto" button too?)


                              Update - Step 1 is complete!

                              Before doing anything else, I had to upgrade the forum to the latest version of vBulletin 3, which I have now done. Nothing should seem different, so if you see anything different or unusual, please let me know.

