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    An article in the Daily Mail claims Beethoven was amongst the least original composers and that Rachmaninov was the most! Can't agree with the findings. The Eroica symphony transformed music, but if I had to pick one composer based solely on originality it would have to be Berlioz whose Symphonie Fantastique seem to come from another world.
    'Man know thyself'

    I think the Symphonie Fantastique is more an opera without words, ala French Grand. But seriously, I do have to agree, especially looking at some of the other works that go beyond the scope of what was happening at that time. But then, also, did not he get his inspiration for the originality of Beethoven?


      Originally posted by Sorrano View Post
      I think the Symphonie Fantastique is more an opera without words, ala French Grand. But seriously, I do have to agree, especially looking at some of the other works that go beyond the scope of what was happening at that time. But then, also, did not he get his inspiration for the originality of Beethoven?
      Berlioz was certainly a great admirer of Beethoven's music at a time in France when it was quite unfashionable and even actively disliked in the Paris conservatoire. However the Symphony Fantastique (begun during Beethoven's lifetime and completed only a few years after his death) sounds unlike anything written before. I think Beethoven's 'Pastoral' symphony certainly influenced Berlioz with the idea of a program behind the individual movements. If I had to think of some of the most original music written that changed the course of music history it would have to be Beethoven's Eroica, Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique, Wagner Tristan und Isolde and Stravinsky 'The rite of spring'.
      'Man know thyself'


        The article in the Daily Mail referred to a computer analysis and this was based entirely on piano compositions.

        This means that inferior works like the Eroica symphony, the 5th, 7th and 9th symphonies, the Missa Solemnis and all of the string quartets were excluded.

        Still - who wants to argue with a computer?

