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Ralph Beethoven Junior

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    Ralph Beethoven Junior

    Came across this item on my travels. Watch out, Rod.

    "Descendant of Beethoven
    To Sue Napster
    -Edgar Winter

    In a press conference earlier this morning, has learned that a direct descendant of the famous composer Ludwig Beethoven has decided to take legal action against internet MP3 giant Napster.
    Descendant Ralph Beethoven Jr. explains the reasoning for his decision to sue. "I feel cheated every time I hear one of Ludwig's number one smash hits on the radio. Just because he's been dead for a couple hundred years shouldn't mean I don't deserve some cash out of the deal."
    The news came as quite a shock to the music industry, and have many fearing that this could be just the tip of the iceberg.
    Music historian Al Chime explains. "I think it's absurd. One guy called me and said he was Mozart's nephew, and was going to sue the pants off anyone playing his uncle's tunes."
    The case is scheduled to be heard in court later this month.
    Ralph Beethoven Jr. looks
    remarkably similar to his
    more famous relative."


    Nice to see that Dominique Prevot of the Beethoven en Francais site can trace her ancestry back to Beethoven's great grandfather MICHEL VAN BEETHOVEN (1684 - 1749). Of course there are no direct descendants (that we know about for certain!) of Beethoven, but the name continued through his nephew's descendants and finally died out in 1917. Perhaps Ralph would have done better to have claimed he was a descendant of Minona von Stackelberg (1813-?)(though I don't think she ever married), so perhaps he should try his luck with Karl Brentano (1813-50)!

    'Man know thyself'

    [This message has been edited by Peter (edited 03-04-2002).]
    'Man know thyself'


      Napster's long gone anyway.


        Originally posted by Chris:
        Napster's long gone anyway.
        Gosh! Do you mean the whole thing could be a hoax?


          Maybe. Or maybe the legal action is being taken against Napter's previous actions. I certainly haven't heard anything about this from any other source.


            Yup, Kazaa and Morpheus rule. Buh-bye Napster!
            Originally posted by Chris:
            Napster's long gone anyway.
            It is the fool who says he is a wise man, it is the wise man who says he is a fool.


              Hey Michael!

              I have to agree with you on this topic. Napster is so gone. It gives the independent recording artist not a fighting chance to make a living.

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     if you are interested in talking more about B

