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Most Beautiful Passages of Each Beethoven Symphony

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    Most Beautiful Passages of Each Beethoven Symphony

    I just ran across this video and thought you might all find it interesting.


    Some of my favorite moments are included here too, such as the part from the slow movement from the 4th.

    Do you have any "favorite parts" from Beethoven's symphonies?

    One of my favorites is the second movement of Beethoven's Sym. #7. This is a very emotional piece for me and hearing it often brings a tear to my eyes.
    "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly." -Beethoven 1804.


      Yes interesting Chris but I think there are so many wonderful passages that we could pick. Just to go for one, if I was asked to pick the most beautiful passage in the 6th it would have to be this starting at 4'20
      'Man know thyself'


        Originally posted by Peter View Post
        Yes interesting Chris but I think there are so many wonderful passages that we could pick. Just to go for one, if I was asked to pick the most beautiful passage in the 6th it would have to be this starting at 4'20
        Yes, that's a great passage!


          OK - I'll go for another one, this time the slow movement of the 5th, starting here at 4'16

          'Man know thyself'


            For me, one of the most thrilling moments in music is the transition between the third and fourth movement of the 5th..... however often I've heard, it never ceases to be exciting, exhilarating. Coming from a mysterious nowhere to the pinnacle of triumph, within half a minute or so, for me it is quintessential Beethoven.
            I think Bernstein once commented on this little section and was quite lyrical about it. I can't find it right now, but it may be on an LP somewhere.
            As Peter says, there's a lot to choose from... I love the 8th, last movement in particular. Or the slow movement of the 9th... which in my (amateur) view is very late or even post-Romantic.

