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The Ludwig van Beethoven's Works divided by genre.

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    The Ludwig van Beethoven's Works divided by genre.

    After two months of joint studies with Cristina Rapinesi, here are presented the Ludwig van Beethoven's works divided by genre. 27 new pages, an introductive page and a page addedworks to the initial slide of the site.

    The scan of the works is that of the new catalog of Beethoven's works of 2014: Opus, WoO, WoO Anhang, Hess, Hess Anhang, Biamonti, Unvollendeten Werke and Ohne Opus, divided as required by the Beethoven Haus.
    You can find this great job starting from this page:

    A heartfelt thanks to Cristina, who has identified several discrepancies and corrected some fallacious links, taking on the burden of recompiling almost 1,100 works. Thanks Cri!

    Dopo due mesi di studi congiunti assieme a Cristina, ecco presentate sul sito le Opere di Ludwig van Beethoven suddivise per genere musicale. 27 pagine nuove, una pagina di introduzione e una pagina aggiunta allo slide iniziale del sito. La scansione delle opere è quella del nuovo catalogo delle opere di Beethoven del 2014: Opus, WoO, WoO Anhang, Hess, Hess Anhang, Biamonti, Unvollendeten Werke e Ohne Opus, suddivise come richiede la Beethoven Haus. Potete trovare questo grande lavoro a partire da questa pagina: Un sentito ringraziamento a Cristina, che ha individuato diverse discrepanze e che ha corretto alcuni link fallaci, accollandosi l' onere di ricompilare quasi 1.100 opere. Grazie Cri !

    Thanks Armando for keeping us updated on all your excellent work.
    'Man know thyself'


      Originally posted by Peter View Post
      Thanks Armando for keeping us updated on all your excellent work.
      Dear Peter

      thank you for your kind words. In the next days I will publish a small "appeal" request for help (of intellectual collaboration) for my site!

      un abbraccio, Armando-------------------------


        Only recently had an opportunity to view this.

        It is really excellent work and as a non German speaker who is far to lazy to learn, very useful.

        Love to see this as an English hard edition.

        Thank you.

        Must it must be


          Dear Fidelio, you're right ! today, the site has around 500 contacts a day. however, with its 1310 active pages, he has the possibility to become the biggest web site on beethoven. The site is "penalized" by the Italian language. Very beautiful, little spoken. we are translating the list of Opus into English. So I take this opportunity to publish this appeal:

          Dear friends,
          We are working to make the web-site richer and richer with music and novelties! Our aim is to make it available to an audience as wide as possible. Therefore, we need volunteers who can translate the contents in English, French, German and any other language. If you are interested, please get in touch through the designated form; you will be part of the collaborators of the web-site and your photo will appear at the bottom of the page. We are also open to other types of collaboration: musicians, researcher, fans who want to share with us their research and performances.
          We look forward to hearing from you ….

          un caro Saluto,


            I really wish you well with the project. Sadly, I am unable to assist with the project, to my discredit, my only language is English.

            However, I applaud your efforts and the superb results and will sing your praises from the rooftops.

            Do keep us informed on all developments.

            Must it must be


              Dear Fidelio,
              how important it would be for someone to review our translation. Some of the collaborators know your language well, but not as someone who speaks it. I announce to you a new page: the Pianosonata Op. 4 by Krufft, dedicated to Beethoven and played by the our pianist Sebastiano Mazzoleni. We have bought the original copy; currently only a few copies have survived (less than a dozen). with the project "around Beethoven" we will find all the works dedicated to the master of Bonn.


                Happy to help with this. I have sent a private message.

                Must it must be


                  My dear friend, thank you so much for the message!


                    Dear Armando, what a great work you have achieved here! My congratulations!

                    I also saw at your page the work mentioned which I just posted after I recorded it anew with my new great notation tool NotePerformer which is so much better then my old recordings (which you know) based on GarritanPersonal Orchestra. It may also for you of some interest ;-)

                    Last edited by gprengel; 12-15-2018, 12:58 PM.


                      Originally posted by gprengel View Post
                      Dear Armando, what a great work you have achieved here! My congratulations!

                      I also saw at your page the work mentioned which I just posted after I recorded it anew with my new great notation tool NotePerformer which is so much better then my old recordings (which you know) based on GarritanPersonal Orchestra. It may also for you of some interest ;-)

                      My dear Gerd !!!! Che piacere sentirti amico mio !

                      Of course ! if you send me the file, I will also put your portrait at the bottom of the page. I have yet to put all your transcriptions for the orchestra of the quartets and the Beethoven's sonatas .... Now I'm work on Listz's piano reductions of Beethoven's symphonies and lieder. When I have finished this job, you will be "guest of honor of the site"

                      ... Come on guys ! let's turn the Italian website into a Beethoven Wikipedia !!

                      Gerd… I am also thinking that your language is that of the Master ...


                        What do you suggest me to translate?


                          Originally posted by gprengel View Post
                          What do you suggest me to translate?

                          Dear Gerd,

                          you have done a lot for the site, I would like to ask you if (when we translate the lists of the works) you can watch the translation in German. (just watch if the German translation is correct) Obviously for most of the works we will use the general catalog, but for the minor works we do not have a corresponding translation.

                          Un caro saluto,

                          il tuo amico Armando----------------


                            Originally posted by Armando Orlandi View Post
                            Dear Gerd,

                            you have done a lot for the site, I would like to ask you if (when we translate the lists of the works) you can watch the translation in German. (just watch if the German translation is correct) Obviously for most of the works we will use the general catalog, but for the minor works we do not have a corresponding translation-
                            sure, just write me a mail when you need me ...

