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Beethoven 2020

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    Beethoven 2020

    2020 will be a very special year for Beethoven celebratiions as it will be the 250th anniversary of his birth. It is doubly special for the Beethoven reference site as it will be the 20th anniversary of this forum and many members have been around since the start. Chris and I have been thinking about how best to mark this and we think it would be great if we could arrange for as many of us to meet up that year in Bonn or Vienna (or both) as possible. Those of you who might be interested are welcome to make any suggestions and I think nearer the time we can come to an arrangement that would suit us all regarding dates and venues - bearing in mind that Beethoven's birthday in December isn't the best time for the weather in Bonn!

    There are of course many celebrations being planned in Bonn throughout 2020 but this is still very much in the preliminary stages. Below are just a few of the events that I think are certain. Of course more details will emerge nearer the time, but I'm sure like many of you, I'm finding months vanish in what seems like days!

    21.08.20 Missa Solemnis in Cologne Cathedral
    04.09.2020 to 27.09.2020 BONN INTERNATIONAL BEETHOVENFEST
    16.12.2020 BEETHOVEN GALA
    'Man know thyself'

    Sounds like a great idea - whatever about the logistics!
    It's quite a nice coincidence though -20 years of this website and 250 years of Beethoven.

    I hope our friend gets the same exposure as Mozart. Since 1991 Wolfie has had a plethora of anniversaries (including his birth anniversary in 2006) but there has been a few splitting of hairs (such as his 225th something or other.)

    Beethoven has been outside all of these manufactured events (mainly inspired by CD marketing). Of course this is due to the calendar which nobody can alter. 1970 was justly celebrated (two years after I discovered him) but this was long before the digital age and the internet. There was another minor bit of an anniversary in 1977 but it never made the nine o'clock news.

    But now we are heading into a new era of anniversaries. After 1820, we have the 200th anniversary of the first performance of the Ninth Symphony.

    And in 2027 we will be celebrating (or mourning) the death of the great man.

    All this, of course, is wandering away from Peter's suggestion. But for some of us, if it doesn't work out in 2020 maybe we can all get together for the 27th anniversary of the founding of this forum.

    (How's that for optimism?)


      Yes the logistics of this will not be easy - for one thing there is deciding on the most suitable dates and though around Dec 16th is the obvious suggestion I have to say the weather plus being so near to Christmas make it not that appealing. There will be however events going on throughout 2020 in Bonn and it may be nicer to go in August which coincides with the 20th anniversary of the forum.

      Any suggestions are welcome in this thread or by private message if you prefer. Nearer the time a plan will hopefully emerge based on a consensus of opinion. I'll try to keep this thread active with updates regarding the events Bonn are planning.
      'Man know thyself'


        Although there is an increased risk of rain, the weather should not be a major concern, as I suppose most of what one would be doing would be indoors anyway. In fact, Cologne, which is nearby (about 25 km), is quite famous for its Christmas market (not my kind of thing, but it is very popular, so just saying). No doubt, there is a smaller version of it in Bonn itself.

        And of course, I think that around that time, there will be quite a few extra activities in and around Bonn. The Beethoven-Haus, of which I am a member, is also already working on this, naturally.

        One idea is to go and visit the Drachenfels, which is nearby, and of which Beethoven was a great fan during his time in Bonn.




          I wouldn't mind a winter trip to Vienna or Bonn, as it would give me the chance to connect it with some skiing in the Alps!


            Here's the link to BTHVN 2020 (English):
            No doubt, more is to come, at the moment, the information is still limited.


              Originally posted by Peter View Post
              2020 will be a very special year for Beethoven celebratiions as it will be the 250th anniversary of his birth. It is doubly special for the Beethoven reference site as it will be the 20th anniversary of this forum and many members have been around since the start. Chris and I have been thinking about how best to mark this and we think it would be great if we could arrange for as many of us to meet up that year in Bonn or Vienna (or both) as possible. Those of you who might be interested are welcome to make any suggestions and I think nearer the time we can come to an arrangement that would suit us all regarding dates and venues - bearing in mind that Beethoven's birthday in December isn't the best time for the weather in Bonn!

              There are of course many celebrations being planned in Bonn throughout 2020 but this is still very much in the preliminary stages. Below are just a few of the events that I think are certain. Of course more details will emerge nearer the time, but I'm sure like many of you, I'm finding months vanish in what seems like days!

              21.08.20 Missa Solemnis in Cologne Cathedral
              04.09.2020 to 27.09.2020 BONN INTERNATIONAL BEETHOVENFEST
              16.12.2020 BEETHOVEN GALA
              17.12.2020 FINAL CONCERT: 'ODE OF JOY AROUND THE GLOBE'
              Nice idea. I can't confirm that I'll be able to come, but I'll have a good year to think about it. Don't forget that we once spoke about playing through Beethoven's Triple Concerto, but I can't remember if Chris plays the violin!


                Originally posted by Quijote View Post
                Nice idea. I can't confirm that I'll be able to come, but I'll have a good year to think about it. Don't forget that we once spoke about playing through Beethoven's Triple Concerto, but I can't remember if Chris plays the violin!
                Indeed there is plenty of time and no need for any commitment unless of course you insist on the Triple concerto! For you I'd have thought getting to Bonn was pretty easy?
                'Man know thyself'


                  That's true, it's not too far for me to get to Bonn, I completely forgot that!


                    Originally posted by Quijote View Post
                    Nice idea. I can't confirm that I'll be able to come, but I'll have a good year to think about it. Don't forget that we once spoke about playing through Beethoven's Triple Concerto, but I can't remember if Chris plays the violin!
                    I do, but at this point pretty badly!


                      Nah, no worries! I'm not sure that I can get my fingers around the cello part these days either. If I can find the time to come I propose that we just drink merrily to celebrate the anniversary. Maybe get around a piano and have a sing-along? Who knows, after a few glasses of fine Rhine-area white wine Peter (and maybe me, too) will attempt a few improvisations on suggested Beethoven tunes...


                        Then again, after a few glasses of Rhine white wine perhaps we could just have a nice punch-up à la Beethoven. Count me in.


                          After a few drinks might be a good time to tackle some of the folksong arrangements, particularly Op. 108, No. 3:


                          I'm sure my violin (or piano) skills would be up to that challenge.


                            Originally posted by Quijote View Post
                            Then again, after a few glasses of Rhine white wine perhaps we could just have a nice punch-up à la Beethoven. Count me in.
                            The ideal venue for this is of course the Beethovenhaus with all the instruments in situ!
                            'Man know thyself'


                              Originally posted by Peter View Post
                              The ideal venue for this is of course the Beethovenhaus with all the instruments in situ!
                              A sing-song or a punch up?

