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    Beethoven Symphony #8 & #6


      Nothing. I have listened to all of two hours of music in the last three days. I am not feeling very well at all and pushing 102F fevers. No desire to listen to music or do anything but lay around. Meanwhile, two DVDs arrived that I will eventually watch:

      Maria Stuarda with Mariella Devia and L'amico Fritz with Dimitra Theodossiou.
      "Life is too short to spend it wandering in the barren Sahara of musical trash."
      --Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff


        Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, Harvey. Sleep might be a helpful antidote.

        On the way home caught the first movement of Mendelssohn's Fifth Symphony, my favorite of his.


          During supper I heard disk three of Brautigam's Beethoven sonata set, containing sonatas No.8 "Pathetique" - No.11, Op.22.

          This afternoon I listened to several obscure works previously unknown to me; Philipp Jakob Riotte - Symphony No.1 in C-major, Op.25 (1812) performed by the Stuttgarter Kammerorchester under Gernot Schmalfuss and Daniel Gottlieb Steibelt - Harp Concerto (1807) performed by Harp: Masumi Nagasawa, pedal harp accompanied by the Kölner Akademie under Michael Alexander Willens. Of the two I prefer the Steibelt. Steibelt, btw, is the fellow who lost a piano competition with Beethoven and afterward stipulated that he was never again to be invited to participate in such an event if Beethoven too was invited. Their meeting is seen here at the beginning of this clip from BBC's "The Genius of Beethoven". (The music played that lead to Steibelt's flight was not the Mozart's Magic Flute excerpt heard here, which due to popularity would likely be ill suited for use in an improvisation match.)

          Originally posted by Harvey View Post
          Nothing. I have listened to all of two hours of music in the last three days. I am not feeling very well at all and pushing 102F fevers. No desire to listen to music or do anything but lay around. Meanwhile, two DVDs arrived that I will eventually watch:
          Hope you get to feeling better soon. I myself have felt increasingly unwell much of today, after seeming to be on the road to recovery since Monday evening.


            Hope DP and Harvey get well soon. Me too- I have flu and as I'm on some government work thing I have not been allowed to be off ( as they have a cap on how many times one can be ill). Not fun.
            Ludwig van Beethoven
            Den Sie wenn Sie wollten
            Doch nicht vergessen sollten


              i had a similar problem with deadlines at work that required me to go in every day. I may go in today. At least they let me come in several hours late.

              A nasty bug hit my daughter in February (she still coughs), then my son got it but it was milder and only lasted a few days, then my wife got it, then me. The only one who didn't get sick is the dog!
              "Life is too short to spend it wandering in the barren Sahara of musical trash."
              --Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff


                I had a similar problem with deadlines at work that required me to go in every day. I may go in today. At least they let me come in several hours late.
                So they should. It is mean to make people go into work if they are ill. This is the 21st century!

                A nasty bug hit my daughter in February (she still coughs), then my son got it but it was milder and only lasted a few days, then my wife got it, then me. The only one who didn't get sick is the dog!
                Poor Harvey family.
                Dogs seem to have stronger immune systems than us humans! I've never seen a dog with a cold! What breed is your dog and what is his/her name? I love dogs.
                Ludwig van Beethoven
                Den Sie wenn Sie wollten
                Doch nicht vergessen sollten


                  Originally posted by AeolianHarp View Post
                  So they should. It is mean to make people go into work if they are ill. This is the 21st century!

                  Poor Harvey family.
                  Dogs seem to have stronger immune systems than us humans! I've never seen a dog with a cold! What breed is your dog and what is his/her name? I love dogs.
                  My boss will always let me take sick time, and I would have gone in later or not at all Wednesday, but it was the last training day and if I miss the group training I have to make it up on computer training which takes a lot longer.

                  That dog sleeps a LOT. If I slept 9 hours a day I don't know that I would get sick near as much.

                  I think a dog cold may be what they call kennel cough.

                  She, Cookie, is a shelter rescue so we are not sure what she is, but we sort of have her pegged at Malinois with some degree of pit bull mixed in.
                  "Life is too short to spend it wandering in the barren Sahara of musical trash."
                  --Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff


                    My friend has a (mostly) pit bull named Cookie. Sweetest dog I've ever met!


                      Originally posted by Harvey View Post
                      My boss will always let me take sick time, and I would have gone in later or not at all Wednesday, but it was the last training day and if I miss the group training I have to make it up on computer training which takes a lot longer.

                      That dog sleeps a LOT. If I slept 9 hours a day I don't know that I would get sick near as much.

                      I think a dog cold may be what they call kennel cough.

                      She, Cookie, is a shelter rescue so we are not sure what she is, but we sort of have her pegged at Malinois with some degree of pit bull mixed in.
                      Sounds like a good boss.

                      Cookie is onto a good thing. I think dogs who are in loving homes can often have a better life than us humans! If I were her I'd be snoozing like that too.

                      She deserves it coming from a rescue place, bless her paws!

                      What colour is her coat?
                      Ludwig van Beethoven
                      Den Sie wenn Sie wollten
                      Doch nicht vergessen sollten


                        Originally posted by Chris View Post
                        My friend has a (mostly) pit bull named Cookie. Sweetest dog I've ever met!
                        A fellow tenant in a place I lived a few years ago had one called King, though he kinda kept it quiet what King was ( and hid him from the landlord lol) because these dogs are not allowed here.

                        King was a big softie.

                        Though his pal Tony had one which he brought to visit and he glared and growled at me.

                        Tony said to ignore him.

                        I did.
                        Ludwig van Beethoven
                        Den Sie wenn Sie wollten
                        Doch nicht vergessen sollten


                          Originally posted by AeolianHarp View Post
                          A fellow tenant in a place I lived a few years ago had one called King, though he kinda kept it quiet what King was ( and hid him from the landlord lol) because these dogs are not allowed here.

                          King was a big softie.

                          Though his pal Tony had one which he brought to visit and he glared and growled at me.

                          Tony said to ignore him.

                          I did.
                          My neighbor has a dog--actually four dogs--but this one is a pit bull with something big mixed in. The dog is very gentle. It once guarded a baby bird that fell from its nest, keeping the other dogs away.

                          Do we have a thread to post pictures on? I'll post Cookie but don't want to take this thread any further off track.

                          So. Back to the topic. I listened to Ferencsik's 6th - 9th today as I was feeling much better but now am wiped out and going to bed soon.

                          edit: Bear with me, I am still somewhat out of it with this sickness. Part of this was in response to Chris' post.

                          Yes I have the best boss you could ask for. He is kind and considerate. That gains him respect. Used to work for a nasty guy who liked to expose my weaknesses. Was hard to respect him and consequently we pulled stuff behind his back, but not the boss i have now. What he says, I do, unless I have a valid reason to differ, then he is very willing to listen. But the nasty guy was a know-it-all type.
                          Last edited by Harvey; 03-21-2015, 03:35 AM.
                          "Life is too short to spend it wandering in the barren Sahara of musical trash."
                          --Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff


                            During supper yesterday I heard disk four of Brautigam's Beethoven sonata set, containing sonatas No.12-15.

                            Watched at YouTube, a documentary the poster labels "Hitler and Wagner", though it seems to me "Hitler and Bayreuth" is more appropriate.

                            Also at YouTube I watched a number of Gottschalk "The Bango" interpretations. For me the clip of Katsaris performing his own arrangement, linked in an earlier post, continues to reign supreme.


                              My neighbor has a dog--actually four dogs--but this one is a pit bull with something big mixed in. The dog is very gentle. It once guarded a baby bird that fell from its nest, keeping the other dogs away.

                              Do we have a thread to post pictures on? I'll post Cookie but don't want to take this thread any further off track.
                              How cute guarding the baby bird! Start a post your pet's picture thread on general!

                              So. Back to the topic. I listened to Ferencsik's 6th - 9th today as I was feeling much better but now am wiped out and going to bed soon.

                              edit: Bear with me, I am still somewhat out of it with this sickness. Part of this was in response to Chris' post.
                              I just got up and it is midday. I actually made myself stay in bed longer than I felt tired to conserve my energy. But The Sun is out! And it is warmer and I feel a bit more energetic and need to go to the laundrettes. Just have to do the nineteenth century boiling pans to wash hair etc before I go ( still no hot water/heating).

                              I'm listening to Beethoven Radionomy at the moment. It's playing one of his string quartets ( no 13). The adverts spoil it though and the fact they don't play a whole piece, just one of the movements.

                              Yes I have the best boss you could ask for. He is kind and considerate. That gains him respect. Used to work for a nasty guy who liked to expose my weaknesses. Was hard to respect him and consequently we pulled stuff behind his back, but not the boss i have now. What he says, I do, unless I have a valid reason to differ, then he is very willing to listen. But the nasty guy was a know-it-all type.
                              Yeah a kind boss is respected, mean ones are hated!
                              Ludwig van Beethoven
                              Den Sie wenn Sie wollten
                              Doch nicht vergessen sollten


                                This morning I am listening; to several Mendelssohn Songs without Words. Great music!

