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New Beethoven novel

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    She is just nutty and wants to earn a living- I doubt she wants to be famous. Conspiracy theorists are more about getting their message out than being famous. But then again, maybe she does...

    There's nothing wrong with being a bit eccentric- many an artist was so- bog standard "normal" people are often boring in my experience, and have little of interest to say, thinking only of food, tv, shopping, what to have for dinner and so on.

    But this woman exceeds what is interesting eccentricity!

    Pastoral68 has written a book 10 times better- you'd like it Fredrika!
    Last edited by AeolianHarp; 09-09-2014, 04:12 AM.
    Ludwig van Beethoven
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      Watching this woman rambling on about her book really made me laugh. She looked and talked like someone who has never talked in front of a camera let alone someone who has written a book on her own. The more I watched that video and the way she spoke, I started to think that there is no way that this woman could have any idea of how to write a book on Beethoven. Maybe this book was written by a ghost writer who doesn't want their identity known so the publisher had to find someone who was daft enough to pretend that they are the author. You couldn't pay me enough money for that...

      While watching this video I thought she looked like she had no idea what to say so she had to rely on reading off cue cards that were written by an eight year old. She couldn't keep contact with the camera with her eyes which were looking up, down and all around as well as her uncontrolled head movements. Way too animated for me.

      I agree with Fredrika that the way she speaks is like she is talking to a room full of 5 year olds. It'll be interesting to see how the sales of this book go. You can be sure that I will not be spending my money on this book.
      "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly." -Beethoven 1804.


        Watching this woman rambling on about her book really made me laugh. She looked and talked like someone who has never talked in front of a camera let alone someone who has written a book on her own. The more I watched that video and the way she spoke, I started to think that there is no way that this woman could have any idea of how to write a book on Beethoven. Maybe this book was written by a ghost writer who doesn't want their identity known so the publisher had to find someone who was daft enough to pretend that they are the author. You couldn't pay me enough money for that...

        Yes, I thought not too- that is why this "book" is complete rubbish- she has no understanding of who Beethoven was, nor the reality of his music. The conspiracy man she met probably wrote the conspiracy scenes for her.

        As for looking like she is talking to children- that is a feature of "truthers"- they think they are awake and that everything is a conspiracy and call everyone else "sheeple". So she will think she knows it all- hence talking to the camera in this way. Her book is going to reveal the "truth" to you, see.

        But, if you want a GOOD Beethoven novel to read- THE DEAF GOD is available on Amazon, written by one of our members.
        Ludwig van Beethoven
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          As I mentioned above, I saw this woman on an Irish TV chat show in 1993, promoting the same book (although it was then entitled "Ludwig - A Spiritual Thriller"). She came across as being mildly eccentric and I purchased the book out of curiosity, but, about half-way through it, I lost the will to live. Still, I soldiered on bravely and I haven't revisited it since.
          Now, unfortunately, this thread has aroused my interest (no - that's too strong a word) but I am horribly tempted to begin it again.

          Thanks a lot, folks!


            Originally posted by Michael View Post
            She came across as being mildly eccentric and I purchased the book out of curiosity, but, about half-way through it, I lost the will to live. Still, I soldiered on bravely and I haven't revisited it since.
            Now, unfortunately, this thread has aroused my interest (no - that's too strong a word) but I am horribly tempted to begin it again.

            Thanks a lot, folks!
            No no, don't do that and lose the the will to live Michael! I'll miss your Irish jokes on here. Use the book to line the kitty litter tray and go on Amazon and for less than 2 euros you can read THE DEAF GOD.That will take you on a journey back in time to see the Maestro and you will for sure not lose your mind!
            Ludwig van Beethoven
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              Good idea. I was given a present of an iPad some months ago, and while I have downloaded a lot of books, I have found it rather difficult to concentrate with this new format. I love the feel and smell of an actual book - and I have a room full of them. I spend a lot of my time re-reading books I first came across 40 or 50 years ago. (Groan!)


                Originally posted by Michael View Post
                Good idea. I was given a present of an iPad some months ago, and while I have downloaded a lot of books, I have found it rather difficult to concentrate with this new format. I love the feel and smell of an actual book - and I have a room full of them. I spend a lot of my time re-reading books I first came across 40 or 50 years ago. (Groan!)
                I do too, but it's a pity to pass up on a good book and you can read it on the bus, sitting in the park, in bed at night etc etc..
                Ludwig van Beethoven
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                  I'll follow the general gist of this thread and not waste my time reading this. There's enough good other stuff in the world.
                  By the way, how is that Sonata course on Coursera?



                    Originally posted by Albert Gans View Post
                    I'll follow the general gist of this thread and not waste my time reading this. There's enough good other stuff in the world.
                    By the way, how is that Sonata course on Coursera?

                    Are you thinking of doing it when it is put on again Albert? I highly recommend it- I loved it.
                    Ludwig van Beethoven
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                      This woman claims that she read a least 12 books a week about Beethoven. It took me at least 4 months to read "Thayers Life Of Beethoven", is it just me or am I How can anybody comprehend anything by reading so many books in one week. In my opinion she has "NO IDEA"!!!!


                        Originally posted by grace65 View Post
                        This woman claims that she read a least 12 books a week about Beethoven. It took me at least 4 months to read "Thayers Life Of Beethoven", is it just me or am I How can anybody comprehend anything by reading so many books in one week. In my opinion she has "NO IDEA"!!!!
                        No you are not Grace! I am still reading Thayer myself! I mean, it is not a book you just quickly read a page, turn the page, quickly read another is it? You read it slowly, to understand the events, picture them and the places, try to remember all the people Beethoven knew and so on...

                        Now, that statement by Ms Loopy I missed- Even if one sat for 7 hours a day doing nothing but reading books about Beethoven noone could one manage 12 a week. Possibly one book a day?( But not Thayer in one day- they are big volumes) That would be 7. She probably means scanned through 12 books a week, looking for "evidence" for her mad theories.
                        I bet she never even read Beethoven's letters.
                        Ludwig van Beethoven
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                          Originally posted by grace65 View Post
                          It took me at least 4 months to read "Thayers Life Of Beethoven", is it just me or am I
                          Well done! It took me a year to read it. The current phrase "too much information" certainly applies to this work.


                            Originally posted by Michael View Post
                            Well done! It took me a year to read it. The current phrase "too much information" certainly applies to this work.
                            Yes Michael, there is too much information in Thayers book, that's why I have to go through it again and study it a lot closely. I'm sure I didn't comprehend it as well as I would have like to.
                            I have the unbridged version and the book is like carrying a


                              Originally posted by AeolianHarp View Post
                              No you are not Grace! I am still reading Thayer myself! I mean, it is not a book you just quickly read a page, turn the page, quickly read another is it? You read it slowly, to understand the events, picture them and the places, try to remember all the people Beethoven knew and so on...

                              Now, that statement by Ms Loopy I missed- Even if one sat for 7 hours a day doing nothing but reading books about Beethoven noone could one manage 12 a week. Possibly one book a day?( But not Thayer in one day- they are big volumes) That would be 7. She probably means scanned through 12 books a week, looking for "evidence" for her mad theories.
                              I bet she never even read Beethoven's letters.
                              Her statement is far fetched. To me it's humanly impossible to read so many books in one week and comprehened anything. I only have a concentration span of about 1 hour. That why I break my reading into secessions during the day. I agree with you Aeolian that she only scanned through the books. I don't believe that she can possibly understand Beethoven's nature, music and the times that he lived in, by just scanning. I doubt very much if she READ Beethoven's letters, she just FLICKED through the book.


                                Originally posted by grace65 View Post
                                Her statement is far fetched. To me it's humanly impossible to read so many books in one week and comprehened anything. I only have a concentration span of about 1 hour. That why I break my reading into secessions during the day. I agree with you Aeolian that she only scanned through the books. I don't believe that she can possibly understand Beethoven's nature, music and the times that he lived in, by just scanning. I doubt very much if she READ Beethoven's letters, she just FLICKED through the book.
                                Absolutely! If she understood him at all she would not write such awful rubbish about him. And as for listening to his music, I somehow doubt that as well.
                                Ludwig van Beethoven
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