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Romantic Beethoven

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    Romantic Beethoven

    The genial and sympathetic nature of Beethoven is illustrated in this quaint incident:

    It was in the summer of 1811 that Ludwig Lowe, the actor, first met Beethoven in the dining-room of the Blue Star at Toplitz. Lowe was paying his addresses to the landlord's daughter; and conversation being impossible at the hour he dined there, the charming creature one day whispered to him: "Come at a later hour when the customers are gone and only Beethoven is here. He cannot hear, and will therefore not be in the way." This answered for a time; but the stern parents, observing the acquaintanceship, ordered the actor to leave the house and not to return. "How great was our despair!" relates Lowe. "We both desired to correspond, but through whom? Would the solitary man at the opposite table assist us? Despite his serious reserve and seeming churlishness, I believe he is not unfriendly. I have often caught a kind smile across his bold, defiant face." Lôwe determined to try. Knowing Beethoven's custom, he contrived to meet the master when he was walking in the gardens. Beethoven instantly recognized him, and asked the reason why he no longer dined at the Blue Star. A full confession was made, and then Lowe timidly asked if he would take charge of a letter to give to the girl.

    "Why not?" pleasantly observed the rough-looking musician. "You mean what is right."

    So pocketing the note, he was making his way onward when Lowe again interfered.

    "I beg your pardon, Herr van Beethoven, that is not all."

    "So, so," said the master.

    "You must also bring back the answer," Lowe went on to say.

    "Meet me here at this time to-morrow," said Beethoven.

    Lowe did so, and there found Beethoven awaiting him, with the coveted reply from his lady-love. In this manner Beethoven carried the letters backward and forward for some five or six weeks—in short, as long as he remained in the town.

    How romantic and kind of him! This was related by Gerhard von Breuning.

    And this is a moving description of him:

    Weber gives a picture of Beethoven: "The square Cyclopean figure attired in a shabby coat with torn sleeves." Everybody will remember his noble, austere face, as seen in the numerous prints: the square, massive head, with the forest of rough hair; the strong features, so furrowed with the marks of passion and sadness; the eyes, with their look of introspection and insight; the whole expression of the countenance as of an ancient prophet. Such was the impression made by Beethoven on all who saw him, except in his moods of fierce wrath, which toward the last were not uncommon, though short-lived. A sorely tried, sublimely gifted man, he met his fate stubbornly, and worked out his great mission with all his might and main, through long years of weariness and trouble. Posterity has rewarded him by enthroning him on the highest peaks of musical fame.
    Ludwig van Beethoven
    Den Sie wenn Sie wollten
    Doch nicht vergessen sollten

    Yes Beethoven was certainly a complex character and much misunderstood - is it any wonder really when he was such a unique and extraordinary human being?
    'Man know thyself'


      Originally posted by Peter View Post
      Yes Beethoven was certainly a complex character and much misunderstood - is it any wonder really when he was such a unique and extraordinary human being?
      Very misunderstood- he had a kind heart really.
      Ludwig van Beethoven
      Den Sie wenn Sie wollten
      Doch nicht vergessen sollten

