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Novels on Beethoven

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    Novels on Beethoven

    I found these- both are called Eroica, but by different authors. Has anyone read them?
    Ludwig van Beethoven
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    No, but I wonder if the second one isn't more biographical as it is apparently based on the memoirs of Nikolaus Zmeskall von Domanovetz?

    There is also the Last Master trilogy by John Suchet -
    'Man know thyself'


      No, but I wonder if the second one isn't more biographical as it is apparently based on the memoirs of Nikolaus Zmeskall von Domanovetz?

      Yes, I imagine the second one is written from the perspective of Zmeskall- a close friend of Beethoven's.

      There is also the Last Master trilogy by John Suchet -
      Yes, I have seen those on Amazon. I like John Suchet and like his presenting on Classic FM, however I wouldn't read them because he has written Antonie Bretano in it having this affair with B ( as the IB) and it has never rang true with me, so that would spoil the whole thing. I suppose I could read books 1 and 3 but that would leave out a big portion.

      The best biography tends to be B's own letters really! I'd love to see his conversation books published in English also.

      Oh, I did find Gerhard Breuning's memoir's free online: Little "Hosenknopf"

      The first sighting of Beethoven he describes is delightful!

      In August of 1825, on an afternoon stroll with my parents, it was my good fortune to meet Beethoven. My father had planned to stop for a moment at his office, and we were just crossing the street that circles Vienna's inner city, where it intersects the glacis 3 between the Kärtner and Karolina gates. All at once we saw a lone man striding in our direction, ramrod- straight and full of purpose. My parents and the man rushed forward to greet each other, each delighted at the unexpected meeting.

      He was of average height, full of strength and energy, his gait vigorous, his suit so inelegant as to appear working-class, and yet there was something about his total person that defied assignment to any social rank. He talked almost without pausing for breath--about our health, about our relatives on the Rhine; he wanted to know everything! He asked (without waiting for an answer) why my father hadn’t visited him for so long--there seemed no end to his questions.

      ( I have read the IB threads and have no wish to ressurect them, suffice to say I am convinced the woman was Josephine Brunswik).
      Ludwig van Beethoven
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        Glad to see you're also in disagreement with Maynard Solomon regarding the IB - Antonie Brentano is simply not credible. Yes I have Breuning's memoirs - fascinating.
        'Man know thyself'


          Originally posted by Peter View Post
          Glad to see you're also in disagreement with Maynard Solomon regarding the IB - Antonie Brentano is simply not credible. Yes I have Breuning's memoirs - fascinating.
          Peter! I am glad you agree with me!
          Antonie Bretano...pffffffffft- she was a good friend, nothing more. It seems some folks cannot believe a man can be a dear platonic friend of a woman- B was very capable of that- he liked women's company a lot it seems- just read Gerhard write that. B's own letters also show that.And what about B's respect for marriage- he'd never have betrayed a friend.

          Josephine is different- that vile Stackelberg had left her and it is quite clear she wanted to divorce the man. So, if she and B met intimately in 1812- good on them.

          Solomon is wrong on quite a few things about B. I have read many excerpts, but would never buy any of his books.
          I've just got Thayer's- must start reading them properly- leafed through some pages so far.
          Ludwig van Beethoven
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