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Little free counterpoint quiz

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    And then again, look at how LvB implies all sorts of harmony/counterpoint in his Diabelli Variation N° 20 (that very slow, mysterious one, not sure if I've got the variation number right).
    See how I bring things back to Beethoven, finally? Ahem.


      Originally posted by Quijote View Post

      Michael: did you manage at least to tune your kettle to C minor?
      I was just letting off steam.



        Is this quiz for your grade 4 or 5 students Quizote?
        Last edited by Megan; 12-19-2012, 04:04 AM.
        ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


          Originally posted by Quijote View Post
          Well, apart from Sorrano and Michael's involvement in this tricky little quiz, I must say I have been overwhelmed by the response.
          Nah, anybody going to give it a go apart from the two heros mentioned above?
          I've only just noticed this thread, so overwhelmed with work and other things at the moment I'm afraid no time for counterpoint exercises - I've barely managed to scrape up the next teaser which may be below my usual demanding standard!
          'Man know thyself'


            Originally posted by Megan View Post
            Is this quiz for your grade 4 or 5 students Quizote?
            "Quizote" : I like that, good one, Megan. Are you also stepping up to the plate to have a go? Oh goody!!!
            If you're under par, I shall have to concoct some sort of punishment.


              Originally posted by Peter View Post
              I've only just noticed this thread, so overwhelmed with work and other things at the moment I'm afraid no time for counterpoint exercises - I've barely managed to scrape up the next teaser which may be below my usual demanding standard!
              Well, Blue Baron, I suppose you have a good enough excuse. I'll set you some other exercise later, but this is my last warning. Had you been a young(ish) good-looking woman I may have been more 'elastic', but as it's you...
              So, the next Xmas special will not be up to par? I don't believe you for one moment. I shall send a stern note to your mother for this! In the meantime, you are to clean up the chapel after Friday's concert.
              Pah, students! They're the same the world over.


                Sorry to keep rambling (got to keep this thread alive somehow!), but how many times do I go down to the refectory to get a coffee an hour or so before my classes begin (because I have lots of photocopies to make, cutting and pasting and so on...) and see certain of my students completing their homework to be handed in an hour or so later, homework that was given to them the week before? To reply to my own question: too bloody often!
                As I said above, students - Bah! - they're the same the world over.
                I wasn't like that, of course.
                [You were a nerd, that's why. Ed.]


                  Rant over. As you were.


                    [Ignore him, he'll go away, eventually. Ed.]


                      [Also, he hasn't noticed the glaring spelling mistake for the title of this thread. He's too proud to ask, so I'll do the fool a favour and ask the moderators to make the necessary correction. Really, he does bang on, doesn't he? Ed.]


                        Dear Quizote, I enjoy your quizzes, but if this is a grade 5 excercise then yes I am under par. So I'll help Michael with the refreshments, hit the bottle and enjoy some Counterpoint wine. See you in the bar, no puns intended!

                        Last edited by Megan; 12-19-2012, 01:29 PM.
                        ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


                          Well Megan, thanks for the "tonic" offered above !! Pun intended!
                          [Groan. Ed.]


                            Originally posted by Megan View Post
                            Dear Quizote, I enjoy your quizzes, but if this is a grade 5 excercise then yes I am under par. So I'll help Michael with refreshment, hit the bottle and enjoy some Counterpoint wine. See you the bar, no puns intended!


                            It looks like a supertonic, Megan! It should augment the Christmas spirit and cause a suspension of pain. However, it may lead to doubling of vision, problems with motion and, on the following day, much dissonance.
                            (No puns intended)


                              Originally posted by Michael View Post
                              It looks like a supertonic, Megan! It should augment the Christmas spirit and cause a suspension of pain. However, it may lead to doubling of vision, problems with motion and, on the following day, much dissonance.
                              (No puns intended)
                              It's the not the dissonance so much as the lack of resolution!!
                              'Man know thyself'


                                Right then, detention for everybody for these lame puns whether they are intended or not!
                                Stop sniggering, Latham-Koenig Smythe! I believe your father has not settled this term's fees, is that right? What's that you say? He has 'solvency' problems? Well, that's what you get when you meddle with drug-dealing crooks, you little cretin. See me after class.

