Anybody up for a little free counterpoint 'teaser'? Maybe for Sorrano, Chris, Peter or Gerd?
I set this question to my students today in preparation for their exam next week.
On the attached PDF document is the 'CF' (Cantus Firmus, or given part) for Violin II. The object is to add an upper Violin I part entirely in quavers except for the very last note.
Go on, give it a try and compare your efforts with my students! I'll post my own working later.
Good luck!
I set this question to my students today in preparation for their exam next week.
On the attached PDF document is the 'CF' (Cantus Firmus, or given part) for Violin II. The object is to add an upper Violin I part entirely in quavers except for the very last note.
Go on, give it a try and compare your efforts with my students! I'll post my own working later.
Good luck!