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The A-Z Beethoven Quiz (rules of the game)

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    E - Esel aller Esel


      Originally posted by Megan View Post
      Yo no quiero embarcarme. (Iberian) Continental Folksongs. Wo0 158. no. 11.
      Sorry Megan, already covered by Michael in Post # 95, Page 3. Even though we are now in Round 7, you must give another "Y" to allow us to correctly complete Round 6.


        Originally posted by Michael View Post
        What? No Z yet?
        Okay .................

        Zod, General. Superman's arch-enemy from the planet Krypton.

        Sorry .... wrong thread!

        Zelter, Carl Friedrich. Berlin musician and friend of Goethe. He met Beethoven briefly in Vienna in 1819 and also had some later correspondence with him regarding the Missa Solemnis.
        Zod is good, but Zelter was already covered by me in Post #160, Page 4. Sorry Michael, another "Z" please so that we can finish off Round 6 with integrity.


          So, here we are in A-Z Beethoven Quiz Round 7.
          We're good for letters A - E. Before we can move onto the "F" we need Megan and Michael to provide new "Y" and "Z" respectively (left over from the previous round).
          All hold on the "F" please until Meegs and "M-M" M cough up.


            Originally posted by Philip View Post
            Zod is good, but Zelter was already covered by me in Post #160, Page 4. Sorry Michael, another "Z" please so that we can finish off Round 6 with integrity.
            Oh, right, damn it! Forgot to check. Er ............

            Zizius, Dr Johann Nepomuk (How many people have those two first names!)
            Lawyer and music- lover who held musical soirees at his house and was prominent member of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreude. Whew!


              Originally posted by Michael View Post
              Oh, right, damn it! Forgot to check. Er ............

              Zizius, Dr Johann Nepomuk (How many people have those two first names!)
              Lawyer and music- lover who held musical soirees at his house and was prominent member of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreude. Whew!
              Zeus!! Already covered by Roehre!! Sorry!


                I'm off to bed! Megan a "Y" and Michael a "Z" please, and then all will be right in the world.
                'Night !!



                  Kaspar Clemens Zumbusch was chosen as the sculptor of the bronze bust of Beethoven at Heiligenstadt.

                  This is getting harder!


                    Yellings and yowlings emitting from Beethoven when quarreling with his brothers.
                    Or even from B himself when he was walking down the street, note book in his pocket, yelling/singing waving his arms about.
                    Last edited by Megan; 09-24-2012, 06:38 AM.
                    ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


                      Bravo to Michael and Megan for the "Y" and "Z" from Round 6.
                      We're on track now for the "F" in Round 7.


                        F = Franz Jakob Freystädtler, another original DV project contributor.


                          Originally posted by Megan View Post
                          Yellings and yowlings emitting from Beethoven when quarreling with his brothers.
                          Or even from B himself when he was walking down the street, note book in his pocket, yelling/singing waving his arms about.
                          Ingenious! See how you do with next X. I'm Xd out.


                            "Gee Whiz!" Beethoven's reaction to the playing of the young Franz Liszt.

                            Nah, don't think that will get through!

                            Gebauer, Franz Xaver. Austrian music teacher and choirmaster who made several entries in B's conversation books.


                              H = Joseph Huglmann (also Josef Hügelmann) another DV ... etc., etc., etc.


                                Ink blots on B's manuscripts
                                ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’

