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Memorable concerts

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    Memorable concerts

    I thought I'd start this thread with the concert I attended in Vienna on 10th August 2003 at the Theater an der Wien. This was a recreation in the same venue of the famous Dec 22nd 1808 concert which saw the premier of the 4th piano concerto, 5th and 6th symphonies amongst other works.

    On my return I posted an account on the site as follows: " It was an incredibly moving and powerful experience - Pastoral Symphony, Ah Perfido, Gloria from C major mass, 4th piano concerto, 5th symphony, Sanctus and Benedictus from the mass, an improvisation in the style of Beethoven (based on themes suggested by the audience - mine wasn't chosen!), and the Choral fantasy - all on period instruments which made the whole thing even more realistic - closing my eyes I was back in Dec 22nd 1808 and Beethoven was playing. The atmosphere was electric and the audience went wild at the end with a 20 minute ovation - a one off experience that I shall remember all my life."

    Of course I hadn't realised then that they would repeat the whole thing on the exact date of the bicentenary 5 years later in 2008.
    'Man know thyself'

    I suppose the only concert to rival that would be the premiere of the Ninth on May 7th 1824. Personally, I would prefer to attend the 1808 concert for a number of reasons. I stood outside the Theate an der Wien one morning a couple of years ago, trying to picture it in Beethoven's day (not easy with all the Viennese traffic.)

    And talking of concerts, don't forget the Beatles at Shea Stadium! It was just as big a shambles as the first performance of the Ninth but everybody loved it.


      Certainly my most memorable concert was when I saw the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra perform Beethoven's Symphony No. 4, my favorite. It would have been memorable for that reason alone, but it was also memorable because a new work was being premiered that night as well. When it was over and everyone was applauding, I leaned over to my mother, who was there with me, and told her what a load of nonsense I thought it was. Then the composer was called up to say a few words...who happened to be sitting right in front of me. Oops!


        Be thankful that it wasn't Beethoven who was sitting in front of you.
        (Then again, he probably wouldn't have heard you.)


          I certainly can't match anything like Peter's concert! Though, several years ago i saw a concert where they performed Schumann's Piano Concerto and Beethoven's Pastoral. I like both pieces. One thing that was neat about it was that it was a chamber orchestra that performed it and therefore was in a much smaller and more intimate environment - which was beautiful. That is probably the best concert experience I have ever had. The sound was amazing.
          - I hope, or I could not live. - written by H.G. Wells

