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    I have got the program
    of the INTERNATIONALES BEETHOVENFEST BONN (21/09 - 09/10). They sent together with it a very nice newspaper full of interesting photographs of the Graf piano (1825) and others documents regarding B.
    I suggest you ask the program and this paper to
    Or just have a look at the site...

    I exist also a museum near Koblenz (EHRENBREITSTEIN Wambachstrasse 204 Tel 0261 129 25 31). It is the house were B. s mother was born in 1746. They have all the correspondance with WEGELER and Eleonore von Breuning (his wife) and documents from Sophie La Roche, CLemens Brentano and Henriette Sontag. They also organise some concerts.


    Thanks, Claudie, for posting this link to the festival! How wonderful it would be to be there! Am I correct in that no.6 on the list of concerts is a piano duet of Symphony No.9? I've never heard of this, and would love to know more.

    I hope you will be going to some of these concerts....please let us know how they were!



      Originally posted by Claudie MICAULT:
      I have got the program
      of the INTERNATIONALES BEETHOVENFEST BONN (21/09 - 09/10).

      Yes interesting Claudie - I'm not sure about some of the programs - Charles Ives and Beethoven?!!

      I didn't know of the upgrading of his dramatic music for "The Ruins of Athens" into a stage festival production by Richard Strauss and Hugo von Hofmannsthal - is there a chance you might get to see this?

      'Man know thyself'
      'Man know thyself'


        The 9th version for 2 pianos ist fom Franz LISZT.... I hope the pianists will be good !

        I do not either like the idea of Yves in a Beethoven Festival and do not agree with other things but I will go and see some concerts which please me.

        Rod, there is the London Fortepiano Trio, do you recommend it ?
        I could not go to the opening concert (Schuppanzigh quartett etc....)

        Bonn is about 2 hours(by car) from Saarbrücken : I feel very lucky of course.



          I Have heard the concert of the LONDON FORTEPIANO TRIO (J. Haydn Klaviertrio c minor, Beethoven Violinsonata opus 47 (Kreutzer) and Trio opus 70 n° 2 Es Dur...
          Very very good musicians technically and spiritually.... (2.10 Bonn)

          The ORCHESTRA OF THE AGE OF Enlightenment was also good (Egmont ouverture) Wagner and Bruckner. They were good for B. not for Wagner or Bruckner on my opinion.(BEETHOVENHALLE Bonn, 26.9)

          Otherwise nothing very impressive in the progran of the INTERNATIONALES BEETHOVENFEST this year.
          Rudolf BUCHBINDER (25.9) was boring... the last concert with the PHILHARMONISCHES STAATSORCHESTER of HAMBURG offered a typical japanese violin-virtuoso (Violin concerto of course) (9.10): I have ,issed the NDR Symphonieorchestra conducted by the pianist Christoph ESCHENBACH.... perheaps...
          Naturally I did not came to the concert were B. was associated with F. SCHMIDT and VORISEK !



            Originally posted by Claudie MICAULT:

            The ORCHESTRA OF THE AGE OF Enlightenment was also good (Egmont ouverture) Wagner and Bruckner. They were good for B. not for Wagner or Bruckner on my opinion.(BEETHOVENHALLE Bonn, 26.9)

            Why on earth were the OAE performing Wagner and Bruckner??!!

            "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


              Originally posted by Rod:
              Why on earth were the OAE performing Wagner and Bruckner??!!

              I was wondering pretty much the same thing - why were they being performed along with others at all at a Beethoven festival in Bonn? Do we have Bach at Bayreuth?

              'Man know thyself'
              'Man know thyself'


                Originally posted by Peter:
                Yes interesting Claudie - I'm not sure about some of the programs - Charles Ives and Beethoven?!!

                I didn't know of the upgrading of his dramatic music for "The Ruins of Athens" into a stage festival production by Richard Strauss and Hugo von Hofmannsthal - is there a chance you might get to see this?
                I think Ives and Beethoven makes perfect sense. Ives was a big Beethoven fan, and in my opinion, the only one to follow him who truly did recieve some kind of inspiration from the master. (I say this having heard only the 2nd Symphony, Robert Browning Oveture, and the Unanswered Question, all of which are fantastic.)


                Some have said I am ripe for the Madhouse. Does that make me Beethoven? No, but it is interesting.
                Some have said I am ripe for the Madhouse. Does that make me Beethoven? No, but it is interesting.


                  Originally posted by Bob the Composer:
                  I think Ives and Beethoven makes perfect sense. Ives was a big Beethoven fan, and in my opinion, the only one to follow him who truly did recieve some kind of inspiration from the master. (I say this having heard only the 2nd Symphony, Robert Browning Oveture, and the Unanswered Question, all of which are fantastic.)


                  Well I'm a big fan of the master also but I'd hate to have one of my efforts inflicted on people, especially at a Beethoven festival! Didn't Ives use microtones and polytonality? I just wonder where in Beethoven he got that from?

                  'Man know thyself'
                  'Man know thyself'


                    Originally posted by Peter:
                    Well I'm a big fan of the master also but I'd hate to have one of my efforts inflicted on people, especially at a Beethoven festival! Didn't Ives use microtones and polytonality? I just wonder where in Beethoven he got that from?
                    Wasn't it you who said that the greatest composer must able to transcend their times, but be of them as well? You also said that Beethoven would not be the same if he were alive today, right? Ives lived in a time were this kind of thing was just starting to become widespread. I've not heard of him using microtones, but I do know he's done lots of things with tonality and a lack thereof. However, I was referring primarily to his second symphony, which doesn't really have much of either. Unlike most romantic and contemporary composers, he used exposition repeats and never took them out. I'd say that's a definite link back to the classical period. There are more, but I won't go into them right now.


                    Some have said I am ripe for the Madhouse. Does that make me Beethoven? No, but it is interesting.

                    [This message has been edited by Bob the Composer (edited 10-14-2001).]
                    Some have said I am ripe for the Madhouse. Does that make me Beethoven? No, but it is interesting.


                      [QUOTE]Originally posted by Bob the Composer:
                      Wasn't it you who said that the greatest composer must able to transcend their times, but be of them as well?

                      Sounds familiar - actually it sounds rather good!

                      I'd say that's a definite link back to the classical period. There are more, but I won't go into them right now.

                      Well I admit I don't know Ives's music though I know of it if you see what I mean! The case you make for Ives and Beethoven is plausable, but the same thing is done with Beethoven/Mahler and Beethoven/Sibelius and many others so singling out Ives is I think rather odd in the context of a Beethoven festival in Bonn which seemed to me to contain little Beethoven anyway!

                      'Man know thyself'
                      'Man know thyself'


                        [quote]Originally posted by Peter:
                        Originally posted by Bob the Composer:
                        Well I admit I don't know Ives's music though I know of it if you see what I mean! The case you make for Ives and Beethoven is plausable, but the same thing is done with Beethoven/Mahler and Beethoven/Sibelius and many others so singling out Ives is I think rather odd in the context of a Beethoven festival in Bonn which seemed to me to contain little Beethoven anyway!
                        Well, if it was supposed to be an all Beethoven festival, then I don't see the point of including Ives or anyone else. I was simply pointing out that in general, it's not that odd a pairing.


                        Some have said I am ripe for the Madhouse. Does that make me Beethoven? No, but it is interesting.
                        Some have said I am ripe for the Madhouse. Does that make me Beethoven? No, but it is interesting.

